
Thursday, May 21, 2015

NLC The Missing Harmonic

There is not, even in our massive universe, enough information (quantum time) to cause the type of super-dupe black hole: collapsing time CTstate necessary to equal 2^n where n=all the information in the universe.  And yet we know this type of situation exists.  This would, under our nomenclature, be ct(n).
Where is the missing information?  You might think it comes from us, since we do generate massive amounts of information, but that is relatively small compared to the amount of information in one quantum time in the universe.  You might also think the universe is much bigger than what we see, but that is counter intuitive because the universe is measured by the distance traveled according to the big bang (big twang in this case).  We are, however, dealing with Non-linear time, rather the illusion of change in a singularity where everything happens at once, so the answer for the missing harmonic, is thus suggested.
The missing quantum time comes from the past and the future.  There must be non-linearity in some phase of time to allow this type of combination.  The very absence of sufficient information in any one time is the one last piece of evidence which requires that we live in non-linearity.
In fact, only our own arrogance, a misplaced sense of self worth from the 'crown of creation', rejects the  suggestion that the "missing vibration" has been missing at all.  The combinations of time non-linearly, that is the past and present of a quantum bit of time, is equally, if not more, likely a part of the combination-compression process of 2^n, at a fundamental level, than the combinations of separate quantum time manifested as matter and energy and black holes stuff, etc, together in any one quantum moment.
The missing vibration, then, is time, which for us is the ability to view the cosmic thrumming of the cosmic note and then return to the singularity state.  Stranger still, this should allow us to predict, roughly how long the universe will last, because once we know (can estimate) the total mass of the universe, then once we can determine the fundamental units (quanta of space) that make up the universe (knowing these quanta are quantum time) and if these quanta all need to change at once when there is sufficient information to solve the equation 2^n where n=total quanta (that's a really big number for those of you who are counting) one solution to the age problem is a sufficient amount of quantum times (each one containing all quanta of a universe at any one point) and that is the age of the universe at the steady state, at least in one embodiment.
While you scratch your heads, think about the potential utility of this analysis.  While we cannot do anything that we haven't already done in a non-linear universe, we clearly have the ability to manipulate the forces that we have readily at hand.  We can't really slow down time, that is a pre-non-linear concept.  We can only change which coordinates are changing speed the fastest and the conservation of change forces the perspective of time to "appear" to slow down when it's only changing relative to the other common coordinates, otherwise we could go back and forth in time, which NLC clearly indicates is unlikely (unless some future us has done it already).
But what the analysis above indicates is that if gravity is the force of non-linearity, and if each universal quantum of time is complete as a universe, then the reason that we cannot manipulate gravity like the other forces is because it representing a vibration, the missing vibration, in a direction that we do not, as creatures of linearity, experience.  For a non-linear creature (god or single celled equivalent) non-linearity may just be a type of fuel, a step in some non-linear Krebs cycle.
The teaser, an unlikely eventuality that is still worth statistical consideration,  is that if we can manipulate change in our part of the universe, that we are very close to manipulating the "true speed" of time, that we might be able to change the speed in a limited way at which true non-linearity happens at some level.  This could allow us to either (1) slow time, a type of suspended animation; 2) the much more far fetched idea of reverse time and travel backwards in some sort of quantum bubble (presumably one that was back there anyway) or 3) equally far fetched, but more possible, limit the amount of change in a given part of the universe and thereby change gravity (for better or worse).
Thus endith this blog post.

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