
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Fractal Math and the first two ct5 arms part 1

It has been a relatively long break, but during the break the solution to the periodic table has been worked out in large part.
It's been almost a week since I swam or lifted last.  While I have spent more days running than not, if I don't run and ride today I will start to suffer from a lesser exercise routine.

These days have been spent going back and forth with different, largely unsatisfying models of compression for the periodic table; all of which ultimately boil down to fractal models of the type defining the electron.

Some of the bizarre insights that explain how the "tiny" electron can carry the same charge as the "giant" proton are particularly satisfying, but you will have to wait for them.  All of this is inherent in what is in the books, but I will admit that refining this to the detailed version developed over the last long week is significant.  I do expect to have this as part of a power point by the middle of January, most of the drawings being finished on paper, but not yet put into a computer format.  There is some really neat and weird stuff that will come out of that and much of that will appear in the posts.

Conceptually, the electron and "observed ct3-4 photons" and waves are all a function of (1) information loading of ct3 onto ct4 information arms and (2) stable fractal strucutres within the series.
The suggestion that waves might exist on either side of at least some stable fractals seems to be implied.

Relating this to what is observed at the molecular/atomic level of ct4-ct5 loading provides some insights with needing and getting resulting molecular structures to provide stability of intervening states.  The remaining features come from observing galactic models of compression.

The initial example used for this examination was H20 and Ne where the two missing neutrons in water still allow for balanced fractals of 10.  The existence of ions, where they are unbalanced is not contraindicated since it  is based on math results and not force driven features, but it remained to be determined how this is put together.

Reconciling the H20 and Ne structures with ct3-4 structures seemed like a logical place to start and required a model which allowed for plasma formation within a hydrogen/Helium model which allowed for Neutron compression both from Hydrogen atoms and as part of the Helium formation process.  This required a new atomic definition of heat consistent with the compression/decompression model and based on large and small scale observations which was accomplished over a period of roughly 5 days using the AuT model.

The first question is what are the stable fractals.  In ct3-4 they are considered to be 4,8,12 and 16 with at least one of the two (4/8) being the "observed photon," 12 being the electron and 16 being the proton and Neutron depending on the last stage of compression, roughly the equivalent of collapsing a neutron star into a black hole.

The current model holds that the  proton is the neutron less the T13th part which is broken into T12 sub- fractals (there are presumably an even number of these in a geometricly stable pattern of the electron) and loose lower T-ct states called the electron bundle left over from the T13 particle which change to give movement to the electron within this T13 fractal bundle.

A drawing exists for this, but the explanation of what the drawing actually represents is unique and surprising and drastically changes the way that the electron and proton are viewed.  Unfortunately, the disclosure is so important, it is likely that yet another patent will have to be filed before it is included in this blog.

On the bright side, the basics are covered in the already published books and new editions including the most recent information along with a new patent will be filed by the middle of January if nothing intervenes.

In ct4-5, the pattern is disturbed by the importance of the AM 4 element, helium.  This is solved with the two electron orbital in pre-aut math, but AuT cannot just make up orbitals to fill in for mathematical results.

The 2:8:8 result for the first 3 lines of the periodic table is confusing using pure fractals just for the ct5 state, but once the ct4 sub-states are taken into account this clears up.

You still have, from the protons the first 8 fractal which can be seen as either the squre or the cube form of 2 a cube formed of two square with sides of 1 each, the second 8 fractal can be seen as a form of combining the two cubes which the discussion omitted explains fairly well.  The "square form," a square with 4 sides equal to 2 which is consistent with the ct3-4 model.

The next two fractals would be 16 each and would correspond roughly with the ct3-4 8 fractal state.  Unfortunately, the periodic table at this point is  not 16 across at this point, but 18.  Moreover, these are all fairly stable compounds, unlike the less stable partial fractals represented by the first 3 elements in the second row.

This is easily dealt with, but there are a lot of different ways to deal with it, the best solution relies on the atomic mass and therefore brings the neutrons back into the process.  This was not a straight forward process of deduction,but instead required a re-examination of the basic structural differences between the neutron and the proton and how they interact.

Given the increasing amount of "noise" in the form of trapped lower states; the initial results were less certain.  For example, Krypton is said to have 48 neutrons, but that need not be the case, even though a contrary result would be hard to explain in terms of charge or fractals.  Fortunately, once the proper definition of neutrons was derived, or more particularly the nature of the neutron which is not set out in this post (sorry); that noise became more important and actually essential for what we were observing.

More nonsense due to the failure to have a wide audience for AuT: Loop Quantum Gravity Theory Could Answer Fundamental Questions about Black Holes | Physics.

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