
Saturday, December 22, 2018

The mad grifter chapter 3

What a work of fiction.  it writes itself.
Its been a long day, did a 2 mile run which is a nothing, but I never run so it was a something.  Its going to be my thing until the gym opens again.  I have an interesting workout plan, not sure how that will workout.

I am not exhausted, just uncertain what to do next. 

Chapter 3 already!

The scene is a gas station, convenience store in anywhere USA.
"Well met, friend," a man in blue jeans says to another is Kackies and a blazer.
"Hi Jeb, what's up."
"Just angry about everyone picking on my president."  'My president."
Sam thought about this.  Somehow the clown in the whitehouse convinced the people that he was their man.  As if they somehow owned him.  Interesting.
"You have to admit he did some shady stuff with that deal with the Russians and it sure looks like he is in cahoots with the Saudis."
"At least he isn't crooked or the last president," by which Sam assumed he meant at least he isn't black or a woman.
"I have to admit that crooked was a pretty flawed candidate, but at least she had some experience."
"She never ran a business."
"Touche.  But don't you think the business of the president is pretty shady."
"Nah, he is just business savy.  Knows how to get things done."
Sam thought about this, forgetting for a moment that the man who was hurting these poor people the most had convinced them that he was their hero.   "A lot of his stuff is under investigation or have gone bankrupt."
"Jus shows he did lots of different stuff.  And I saw him tweet myself that the charity did lots of good.  I know this new Attorney General is going to rein in those Demon-cratic activist prosecutors in New York too.  Some heads will roll, believe you me."
"I grant you that, I guess.  Was not some of the stuff that the last president did was ok?  I mean he started the healthcare thing the only way he could, sort of creeping it into the system."
"It was a horrible law.  Made poor people pay more than they could afford."
"Well, technically it just created such a complicated state by state process for getting covered that no one could figure it out, but you're right it was a busted system from the git go.  But now..."
"Now everyone wants everything given to them for free."
"It works for the rest of the civilized world."
"Didnt the president promise hed pass something better, medicade for all."
"Its the demonic crats that hold things up according to the news I watch.  And I'm not paying for some freeloader healthcare."
"I hate to break it to you Jeb, but the wellfare receipients get free healthcare already.  It's only the working poor that don't get it."
"Still don't seem right to me."  It wouldn't Sam thought, but 'seem' and reason are two different things.  Sam didn't want to reason with Jeb.
"How are things at the shop?"
"It's all good, now that the economy is booming."
"It wasn't so good last time I looked, the stock market is crashing."
"That's just fed rates going up."
"They have barely budged, its because of all the uncertainty and this trade war."
"I'm all in favor of that war.  Surely you can't deny that the Chinese have been stealing our manufacturing jobs."
"No, I suppose only an idiot would miss that."
"That's why I support the president, the only one with the balls to stand up to the rest of the world."
"Don't you think he's undermining our authority in the process?  I don't know that isolationism will work better."
"Oh, you bet it will.  We can do everything for ourselves now and do it better.  Fuck the rest of the world."
"Its what they say on the F News Channel."
"I don't see how you can still support the president with all hes done even if the F New channel says so.  Don't the lies bother you?"
"He's just smarter than everyone else.  He has them so confused they don't know what to do next and he gets his way."
"But if no one trusts him, how can he do deals?"
"Because he says he's the best deal maker ever."
"But he's turning his back on everyone who has supported us.  Won't they remember that?"
"Not according to him, he says he knows more about politics than they do and I believe it.  Look how well he did."
"Some say he did it by ripping off his banks, investors and contractors."
"He's what I would be if I had the money and power."
"Indeed, he is what we'd all be if we didn't care about each other."

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