
Saturday, December 22, 2018

The mad grifter in the white house chapter 2

Fan fiction.  That is all this is.
I am not trying to tell anyone how to think about a current political situation irregardless of whether this "appears" to be related to such a thing as that.  Merely a coincidence I assure you.
If you want to support me while i write this, I suggest ordering one of the physics books, or perhaps the christmas story.

Chapter 2

He walked into the large conference room carefully.  He was just shy of obese, obese in the eyes of medicine, but not his own.
He looked at those seated who had been waiting for him.  Their eyes were on him expectant.  They were sycophants, everyone with a shred of true independence was gone now.  JB even looked like some over-bred dog, intelligent, but looking expectantly for some sign from his master.  The rest looked even worse.   Some of them were wealthy, successful and even powerful, but they all depended on him for the real power.
He knew he was like a fictional ruler, strong, surrounded by weaker people who needed a strong hand to make them feel whole.
He thought about his end game, an authoritative government with him at the head.  To some extent that was the opportunity of any president.  And becoming president had been relatively easy.  The people were so stupid in the aggregate.  He could say anything and because he said it with authority,they beleived it regardless of the evidence to the contrary.  They were, as a whole, too stupid to look past the fact that he represented some sort of totum figure, what a god was supposed to act like.
Even this select group, intelligent by and large, successful, but flawed in their prejudices and in their need to have something to follow, someone to follow; were sheep to him.  There were sheep and there were wolves.  He was the head wolf.
He blatantly was manipulating the investigations of his dishonesty, courting other dictators because that was his end game, the ultimate con, taking over an entire country.  Both these things he did out in the open and yet the pundants argued about what he was doing, 'is he misleading us?' Is he interfering with justice?"  "Is he associating with authoritarian leaders because he plans on seizing power?"
The answer was, 'of course' to all of these. Especially this last one.  He would need the support of the other authoritarian leaders when he seized power.  They understood each other and their support would be critical.
 He said as much and his followers looked on him with even more calf-like loving eyes, his enemies with even greater confusion.  What did his followers say?  Oh yes, look how smart he is, he is manipulating the Russians.  He was not manipulating them he was conspiring with them, when he seized power their armies would protect him, directly and indirectly, from even his own until things calmed down.  They expected everyone to act with subtlty like they used and were confused when the most vile thoughts, to them, were expressed too openly.
They were just noise, that was a key to being the ultra-wolf, you had to ignore the noise.  The prattle about forcing him from office when no one had the power or backbone to even take the first steps, much less to stop him when he siezed power completely, but hadn't he already done that. 
The opposition, if you could call the spineless party an opposition, were little better.  They howled around the table like cats, but then settled on whatever they could get withotu any real effort.
They were all led, on both sides.  The influx of youth in the last election worried him a little, but all these people were just looking for a tit to suck on.  They would act brash, but it would just be an act.  They knew nothing about seizing power.  Only the tit, they only knew they had seized a tit and could now exploit it for their own comfort.
The older ones were already calling their donors, the ones he had enriched, asking for more money.  They were all cooing to him on his party and in the other they were flailing around.
He offered fear and comfort which was all the sheep voting wanted.  These others had no idea what they were really offering.  They talked about giving healthcare, but they didn't turn down their own unlimited government healthcare.  They talked about giving laws, but they embraced their own exemptions from the law.  They were just tit-suckers.  Old, useless ones who had long since lost any real perspective on how to get things done and young tit-suckers who were too green to realize how weak they were.
But this group was a little different.  They stared at him with respect, soldiers ready to do his bidding in exchange for bathing in his aura.  The ones who saw through it to the ugliness were all gone now, he was free at last.
The women were mostly do-able he thought to himself.  He looked at the youngest blond haired woman and knew he would take her at some point in time.  He would do it when she was weak from some attack or mistake.  He knew how to exploit the vulnerability of the weak, but he especially enjoyed lording his money and power over women.  No, that wasn't true.  He especially enjoyed lording it over the weak banks from whom he had extracted concessions, the weak contractors who desperate for any relief would give up most of their profits to get something now, and the weak people who voted for him and followed his words blindly.
The opposition, stupid as they were, howled as his base shrunk, but what they failed to realize was that this was totally consistent with the seizure of power.  You did not need everyone to seize power, but you did need a core of blind followers.  As the independents were weeded out, that is what he would be left with, a hardened core that would do his bidding as long as they were singled out as his followers, the brown shirts and after the weak were weeded out of that group, his own ss.

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