
Saturday, December 15, 2018

The universe in 4 acts Act 1

I am putting up the first draft of my article idea for my loyal readers; and everyone else is welcome ignore it.
Comments are solicited, quesions, etc.  I won't necessarily respond to either but my social networking skill are not as good as my quantum mechanical ones.
The purpose of this piece is to present the idea in a way that a bunch of marginally evolved monkeys can digest it.  I'm not saying that applies to any group of physicists or people in general, but if the shoe fits.
I have been invited to be a keynote speaker in Berlin on this subject and invited to submit a follow up to the initial article (journal of mathematical physics  10/24/18 for the Journal of Advances in Theoretical Physics for their December edition, due the 28th of this month.  This is meant modestly so you'll understand this is not just a theory, Parmenides had this as a proof 2500 years ago and Haggni theorized it some years ago, but neither had a comprehensive model which this purports to be.
It is worth repeating that the details, the excruciating details, for this appear in Vols 1, 2 and the summary for Algorithm Universe Theory and AuM, algorithm universe model. This is merely a summary using words without drawings and equations of what is covered in those books.

A not altogether horrible audio-visual summary appears here: 1)
In presenting this it is the plan that it be accompanied with those references.

Act 1

"The universe cannot be what we observe," Says Parmenides.
Whether we use quarks, fields or planck length we run into the same problem, "if something has length it is divisible," he observes
AuT, working with non-dimensional definitions of space avoids this.

AuT provides a specific, if bizarre, definition of space;
the definition that says "space is, of course, the same thing as everything else."
Just as energy and mass are interconvertible so must space and energy.
We are almost to dimension, be paitent, it is only a matter of time

Time is the one way sign
Pointing the wrong way,
the thing that not only confuses, but misdirects
We are trapped in time by perspective, not reality

Time is an illusion that casts its spell over everything else
Because we fail to differentiate time and change
A simple thing as obvious as space once you look for it
And now we come to dimension

Dimension is and is not
it is everything, all together and separate
It is not defined by planck length
and it is limited by light speed

Dimension is built with the denominator of pi
modified by changes to the numerator
It folds into photons, neutrons and black holes
and it unfolds into neutron stars, protons, electrons and waves

Fpix is the building block of everything
Fibonacci's building series the scale of folding
For each increase in the numerator of pi
And the exponential of 2 the number of folds

So are the four horsemen of dimension
fpix, fibonacci, 2 to the even and 2 to the odd
The two directions, flow and ebb
The base a single count, the function memory

This will present the model
of dimension, the force, then time
It will then explain all things known
And finally all things unknown

In short order if you keep your seats
All will become clear
The rules will be set
The results obvious

Let the lights come up
Let the clock spin
Let movement begin
Let the spirits of force free

Note to self, include explanation for dark matter in last act

Live Science: Physicists Keep Trying — and Failing — to Find Dark Matter in Dark Places.

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