
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Quantum Gravity*

I am spending this holiday season slogging through the patent instead of writing because there is enough of the model. 
I also have 6 days  to finish a requested physics article to the Journal of Advances in Theoretical Physics.
That does not mean that the model or the article is finished, there is a bit of the math to muddle through in several respects.  While the general mechanism (memorized solutions giving rise to patterns) is in place, it needs to be fleshed out a little more.  The results, particularly internal (tranisitional) hinge states vs external (between fixed compression states) both apparently represented by the "odd" exponent forms need to be and can be better defined.

One of the things that is shown, is the riddle of where gravity comes from and why all things are quantum in nature, including replacing the idea of quantum fields with  something which answers the Parmenides test and gives rise to whatever they are calling quantum fields.

Jorge Pullin, the Horace Hearne professor of theoretical physics at LSU is worried about quantum gravity, but he doesn't realize it is already fully defined.

In the words of the specification:

The most important test of any theory is the Parmenides Test which was put forward by Parmenides via Zeno.  Does it deal with infinite divisibility of distance?
A modern test is, does it give a definition of time and space that can be tested?
Does the theory provide a reason for pi.
The standard model does not attempt, in its most general form, to address the Parmenides test or Zeno’s paradox.  Worse, it accepts time and space as given variables without defining them.

If space is made of quantum points then the elimination of these points between matter A and matter B draws Matter A and B together or at least eliminates the space between them, thereby solving the Zeno’s paradox of infinitely divisible space.  The only form of quantum point which does not involve dimension is one or more (here two) solution states.  

I have the opportunity to reach a broader audience and I plan on that, but not by the 28th I don't think.

Futurism: Stars Torn From Galaxies Let Astronomers "See" Dark Matter.

All that and more can be found here:

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