
Thursday, March 28, 2019

A unified field theory without any damn campos*

My friend E told me that books need a curse word in the title these days, so this is a corresponding blog post.  I don't necessarily agree, but I am in a foul mood, not to be confused with a fowl mood which might mean you are flying or hungry for chicken.
But this is an important post and I need to limit the digressions.
I weighed in at 177.2, 2.2 pounds under the target weight, not quite my lowest which came a few days ago, but something of a trend at this point.
That is point one, mass as ct1 absorption.
There are two ways where black holes can spin faster than their corresponding galaxies.  One is that when it fully compresses from transitional ct5 to ct5 it cuts loose and can absorb ct1 directly and therefore move independent of the lines connecting it to the transitional ct4-5 and lower ct states making up the galactic shell, it disengages from the ct4 states.  The other way is that it doesn't spin faster, but merely looks to be spinning faster because of a fast spinning outer shell of low ct states.
It is important to note that lower ct states "appear" to move or change faster only because they have more pre-time elements and some mechanism has to exist to explain ct5 (black hole) spinning.
This might indicate that in an atom, the inner ct4 core of neutrons can appear to spin faster or actually spin faster than the ct4t protons shell around it for the same reason(s).
That is point two or duo or dos even though I am angry at the spanish right now for their ignorance which is stupid since how can you be angry at someone for what they do not know, it is like kicking the cat.  I metaphorically kick the spanish gato.
Folding in one direction followed by folding in a second, followed by folding in a third gives space the 3 dimensional features we experience as ct4-5 transition states.  The fold in the fourth direction (you can envision the first three folds merely by folding a piece of paper along the length and then along the width although the exponential 2^n iterated folding changes the effect somewhat unless you are one of the spanish who haven't figured this out yet) gets you to the place where black holes live.
This is point three.
Point four is the topic point for this post (or in spanish el posto-now I'm just being bitter) is that AuT provides a unified field theory without any fields, fields being an effect of looking a changes in folding and unfolding viewed along a single dimensional line from the vantage of the effect of time, all real (we can call them non-spanish today) changes being quantum, at the lowest quantum state at the same speed, and being tied to change, they are not time related at all.
The final point is that the spanish like everyone else are governed by predefined quantum background changes so I have to forgive them.  When nothing else can do it, science absolves them of this espanol transgresión.
The new auido book is proving popular, dulce.

It is now just over two weeks until I present the theory live to the APS.

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