
Monday, March 4, 2019

My business

Yesterday's workout was riding down to the mardi gras.  Harder than you'd think.
Here is a conglomeration of  information.
I have been invited to Present at the American Physics Society meeting in April
That is old news, subscribe to get the upto date news (you can find the posts that cover that).

It is troubling and immodest to allege that this is the most important physics model in human endeavor, but that is the argument I would make.  That is the reason that something as radical as this is being given a seat at the presentation table at the largest physics conference in the USA.

Defining time, space and the origins of force and dimension may not sound like much, but these are epic changes in our knowledge base, as is the solution to Zeno's paradox. The inherent power held in the application of this knowledge is a quantum leap from where we are today.

My business is to exploit a new model for physics.  This is not a "theory" which would have little value,but is a specific mathematical model.  While the peer review publications (I have 3 articles published or accepted for publication) are acknowledgement after a fashion, it is relatively small recognition compared to being given a platform at the leading physics conference in the United States.   
The claims in the patent cover many areas, being a pioneering patent: 1) Quantum Computing 2) Fusion 3) Materials Science, 4) faster than light travel, etc.
Industrial Physics adds $2.3 trillion dollars to the US economy (APS physics 2/19 Vol 28 No 2).  This model changes every application of industrial physics.
Those, however, are minor measures of the importance of this advance.

By defining space accurately the solution to the paradox becomes  simple:
1) Space is dimensionless, quantum points of information which change state to fold and unfold.  When space folds, you get dimensions, one at a time.  As a result, we do not move through space, which being separated only by solution order is too dense to move through. Instead, space shoves us around.  To pick one of the paradox models, if you fire an arrow at a target, it can never reach the target using any other model because it can only reach half the distance, then half again.  If, however, space is quantized, then the arrow can approach the target as the intervening space moves out of the way, drawing the arrow to the target.
Since there are 30 books on this topic and since the "summaries" are hundreds of pages long, it is hard in a short email to pick any one thing, but let me answer the question that my list above may raise, "faster than light travel."  We know that quantum computing, fusion and materials science exist, but faster than light travel sounds a little more exotic.  It is actually less exotic. Charge and gravity are two examples of faster than light change.  That is as good an example as any of the power of this science.  If you apply this to quantum computing, for example, you have the potential to affect smaller quantum phenomena, but you can also compute in a time independent environment.  Once you understand what time is, this makes more sense, by the way.

An up to date (USA) powerpoint link: has audio covering the basics in the first 8 slides. The other slide audios have been dictated and are part of an audio book which should be available to the public in a few weeks.  
Note this looks the same but is different from "book3" which is out of date.
For a more in depth look at how dimension, time and force are created please see:

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