
Friday, March 22, 2019

Another Friday

After a weight workout two days ago, the 2200 yards yesterday was awful.
The form was terrible
The speed was terrible
I did not feel like anything was coming together.
But I swam 2200 yards, 1000 im when I had told myself, be happy if you do 1500.
I loosened up and that was what I wanted to do.

So where am I?
I'm writing yet another book,
this one is a summary of the articles
I've zeroed in on time
I have a sample application
the schrodinger equation
It's 120 pages, but I'm hoping it'll be down to 100 or less when I am done
it is for a specific publisher
I have to check out the publisher, but they have an audience

right now it is called a short article on time
i don't know what it will be called when i am done
the signature article is a short article on time
I know what time is now, pretty well, with numbers
which are based on the prior numbers
but a little better
a little closer
more talk about change
more talk about time
more talk about the relationship.

Lets talk about relationships
Right now I have a pretty mediocre one with the VC community
They will come around
All the articles are headed in my direction, I have a new group that show I have to be right
Maybe I will sell my patents to a patent troll in years to come
Maybe that is what coming around would mean
Perhaps the patent troll is my future VC relationship
I don't think so
That would be a million years in the future
I don't really care about the patents
They are just a tool for me
A way of focusing my thoughts on the practical
A way of moving forward
Like the books and speeches
And they are ok, not perfect, but ok until June or July
I will work on those again in April

How about my relationship with you
The hikes in the rocky mountains
The greek islands
All of those things
That one seems as rocky as the VC one
Everything that has not happened seems far away
But figuring out the universe
Solving all the problems of physics
That took five whole years!
Imagine that you'd take longer.
Well, what is more important
Solving all the physical and psychic problems of man
or having a warm relationship to sleep next to?

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