
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hostility and Information

Life can be sobering
Even after 32 minutes on the stair machine (abysmal) and 3 sets of weights (not quite as dysmal); I find myself full of doubt.
It is not just the difficulty of putting this together, alone; the upcoming work and expenses over the next 4 months.
And that is not enough.
How do you react to hostility when you share information?
I am not sure what that means.
The quote from BH earlier, People only want to hear what they already believe.  But why be angry and mean about it?
I think the answer is that there is something else they are angry about.  You just make yourself a target.
Am I the devil?  I don't really see that, but it is what it is.  I think I am just hawking some sort of science.  It is a very devilish science in so many ways.
F--k the haters, or is it hate the haters?  I don't know.
It is a strange world in AuT a strange time.
The truth is that the anger I face is both expected and irreelveant.
Just as the success or failure is irrelevant.
And what does god have to do with it?
I have till August.  I was hoping for another year, but its all August.  Four months, basically 4 months.  Its not hard to do what needs to be done in 4 months.  It would be easier with a little capital, but it is what it is.  I have done this before, so that makes it easier.
And lord knows I need to edit everything anyway.  A little help would be nice, but you don't always get what you need in terms of help or health.  And in the end it doesn't matter.  The moment matters.
I have some tthings that I have to do
The world is a beautiful place and if there is any job I have to do, it is the job to keep it that way.Or perhaps not, given the way that things go.

And this shows how f-series compressoin and the denominator of pi interact
Its also my new trademark, the AuT man

This is listed as complete as of yesterday.
it isn't for sale yet, apparently, but any day now

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