
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Audiobook update

It appears that the audio book has passed inspecttion.  Perhaps as early as next week it will be available (7 hours plus).  It also looks like the old edition will be retired which will prevent confusion.
Now I know what you are thinking, "I can barely stand the 30 seconds skimming your blog, I cannot imagine 30 minutes much less 7 hours of you dronning on about how far you swam last night (2250) or what kind of flashes you have in your vision at night."
Fear not, this is half me droning about the technology and half someone else reading one of the later, but not quite there, theory books so you get all the tech in the first say 2 or 2.5 hours. 
And yes, that is too much, but it is how the universe operates below the level of thermodynamics, that is something pretty cool.
And if one of these accelerators gives me the right amount of money and a couple of physicists and I'll have floating cars and fusion reactors before two equinox(s) have passed.  Well, maybe not the floating cars, but that is why this is wroth thinking about.
Still not sure, don't worry about it.  The first 8 slides which contain the key elements of the model are are youtube and that video includes all the remaining slides sans the words.
with a hardback (with pictures)
keeping in mind that while these are upto date, they dont go into the same detail as the Algorithm Universe Model books.
I have done a lot of work on fusion recently, having dreamt much of it based on what is more or less obvious from the disclosure already in the aum books along with that in the patents.
Next week I travel in the continuing efforts to find the right accelerator and while I have plenty else to do i will be continuing preparation for the presentation in Denver.
I am struggling with the open access work where 3 papers are being published.   I have some editing yet to do, although it should be minimal.

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