
Sunday, March 3, 2019

I get knocked down but I get up again*

Had a nice 2500 yard swim after two weight and stair workouts, a little slow but was trying to loosen up.
Today is another day.
I finished the audio update version of the book, did this pretty lame cover which may or may not pass muster and of course the audio is questionable.

The way that this worked is that I wrote this very summary book:

Which is an update pasted on the front of book 3 and it has the slides and pictures which are not ont the audiobook, but you can see those (well not updated for the audio book-I have at least 10 days before they are released) by getting the link when you subscribe to updates and updates are coming which are fairly signficant.

Here is a tidbit about the universe.  Why don't atoms collapse?
First, while there is this whole exchange between math result and effect that results from stacked compression states; fundamentally the different features of the universe are different things.  Collapse of two different things requires that they merge and become the same which they do not.  Dimensionally they are not aligned, the more informationally dense states being dimensionally smaller.  Hence for an electron to "collapse" into a proton, some merger of features and the elimination of the structural outer shells (get the book below if you want to see what they look like) that each has that interact to keep them more or less together.
That these opposite states are not only dimensionally different in size, but alternating shapes in terms of expression because of, well differences in exponentially expression.
All the nonsense and spam of the standard model has to be rewritten.
And I have rewritten it.
I have been rejected, ridiculed and given a seat at the big boy table.
So whats the lesson here?  When you get knocked down but you get up again,

I am blowing forward and have in all but finality changed the view of the universe.
is something which will change the world; but what an accomplishment just to get here.
You can look at all the political nonsense or you can look at something which will survive the test of time.
This book:
is the one to read.  The summary book for the audio is "simplified" a little too much because how else can you do it as an audio book?
It is a lot to do, but if it is accepted it is done.

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