
Monday, April 22, 2019

BDTH 4 of 10

I may never hit 10 of 10. I just randomly stuck a number in there.

I could not make myself go to the gym yesterday, even though it should have been a stair and weight day.   I weighed in at 176 this morning, something which affects me very little since I am now transitioning between one pound over and 1 pound under my target weight which is good enough, I would argue.
  I feel like I did some real damage to my calves in my last swim, but I swam another 'freezing' (70-72 degree) 45 minute, 2000 yards and while I had to be careful about the 'charlie horses' I finished in good form and then warmed like a turtle in the sun which was pleasant.  The very cold water I think is good for me and surprising I do not experience the same level of shock as I do in the warmer pool although I have some trouble breathing at first and never get warm, at least not till I am out of the pool sunning.  It is very pleasant.

I have decided to include an attachment with more detail to the appeal.  Basically the appear, but with additioanl details like this:

What each force is in terms of effect as shown by compression tables (see the chart and especially the video version with the arrows which I will include in the attachment.
Each is a result of a specific compression/decompression state except electromag which is a combination of the ct2-3 state withing a ct4-5 matrix as it were.
How relative fractal speeds (ct3 compared to ct4, ct4t12 vs ct4t16, etc) reflect the lesser effects of time on lower ct states.

The ratio in terms of scale of all the forces work out perfectly.  But to understand how this works, you have to forget about force being a driver and instead see force for what it is below the level of thermodynamics, an effect.  This means that what forces have been attributed to before is slightly different than what force actually is.  Saying things like "the weak force holds together.." is inaccurate when in fact the weak force reflects the transition from one fractal state to the next as is shown in this chart.
and more specifically in slide 5 in the Denver slide show which is getting a lot of attention

The Denver 12-minute video:
as well it should.

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