
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

BDTH 7, collapsing waveforms and the Feynman particle

The genius of slide 43 in light of the chart of slide 34.  Is is not a coincidence that these are mirror image numbers.  Indeed, this is the last little bit of the dual slit experiment exposed to the the pre light of the collection of changes in x that we call a day.
You see, I am not the smart one, the slides are the real genius (geni? geniuses?)
So what is the Feynman particle (or perhaps the Heisman particle?  the Schrodinger particle? leave it to history, the genius charts say).
Waves share space in the sense that they compress towards matter along t7 information arms (assuming they are t6).  In this way they merge and change together while maintaining their independence as quantum transitional states.
when isolated, the wave generated by a single photon becomes an averaged particle having the features of all the places where it existed as generated pre-time, but separated from the other wave states of the otehr particles which were spread out in a pre-plasma state over a t7 information arm (assuming t6 as the photon).
Collapsing the waveform merely means peeling one photon off of the transitional t7 where it is in concert with the others and viewing the particle with all of its pre-time duplicity as an average placed quantum state from the standpoint of time, a Feynman particle instead of having all of the averages of all of the particles.  This is the last of the double slit anomally.
Once pulled off it can, in theory, be put back onto the t7 arm, but the t7 arm might be destroyed by pulling it off, shattering it into a plurality of these Feynman photons, collapsing the waveform.  Likewise, the rest may continue on wavelike leaving only the single Feynman particle alone, collapsed by pulling it off of its t7 roller coaster catepillar.

Speaking of separating particles 175.2 this morning, a little high; but not unduly especially since I did not exercise.

Footnotes for printed copy

Footnote 1 Omitted transition states

The most important feature, quantum change vs force is covered in Footnote 5. 
To keep the argument short the critical analysis of transitional states is omitted. Since almost all our physics derives from observations of the ct3-4 transitions, it is worth mentioning those here.
This first slide shows where we expect specific features to arise as fractals of the ct3-4 transition.  The electron is “five” ct4t12 states along with lesser clouds of lower ct states.  The muon, being 100 times the size of the electron appears to be a t14 state.  As can be seen t (transition) represents the value of the exponent in the 10^x compression.
This second graphic represents the 2^n compression arms. From space to precharge there are only 4 (2^2).  In this way, the first arm is merely 4 space states, then 16, then 64, then 256.  This is because 2(f(n) for n=2 is equal to 4.  Compare this to base 10 transitions for photons, electrons, muons, protons and neutrons in the first chart.  For ct4 you have 10 ct3 prephoton states for the first “arm” of ct4 or ct4t1.  Then 100, then 1000, etc up to 10^16.  As can be seen in this chart forces arise from where specific changes occur to these compression states.  One can think of the e=mc^2 as the point at which the neutron breaks free from the attached transitional states and releases them as a 10^16 cloud of energy.
You can also see that the first two arms of ct5 compression states defines the entire stable periodic table as up to 16 ct4 neutrons in the first arm and up to 265 neutrons in the compression of the second arm.  Since each pair of neutrons carries with it a cloud of lower ct states molecular forces follow.
As can be seen from the transitions for ct3-4 you have odd and even exponent type changes which in the base 10 numbering system yields the structural display of dimensions set out above.  Because lower and higher transitions involve a different “base “numbering system, the resulting structural features vary.

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