
Friday, May 10, 2019

a whole new world...of cats

Well, i weighed in at 176.2 today.
The conditions were not particularly bad, but I think I can lay the whole thing to one meal where I at more red meat than I normally do a couple of days ago.
That may not be fair, but its my blog so I can say stuff about my weight.  That is a 2.2 pound increase however, a cat?  well, at least a very small cat, anyway.
I am busy pounding away at the patent and as I do, as I always do when I dig down deep, there are insights.
Most of them, maybe all of them, were there before, but the detail with which they are set out increases.
I had a picture in the last patent that showed the ct4t13 electron and months ago, it seems like an eternity now, I had largely defined them in such a way. of t12 states adn clouds.   I have added the inherent net features, but those were essentially set out if not with the amount of eureka.
I should not use that word, I may be accused of being grandiose.  Oh Aristotle, Socrates, my people, our people.  How grand we all used to be, before being intellectually thousands of years ahead of everyone else was considered a good thing, not Grandiose, but...what?  clever?
Where was I...electrons,  I had certainly defined the actual fractal structure of nested doll-like structures creating the nucleus which is so important to the first commercial use I see here.  The Grandiosity of it all.
It is so much weirder.  Increasing dimensions with nesting inside lower dimensions.  It is really weird, accurate, but weird.
You see we tend to think of added dimensions and increasing when they are both increasing and decreasing.
It is like the space-energy thing (which is really space-precharge-perphotons (maybe neutrinos?)-neutrons-black holes.   It is like way over the top obvious...and yet...the transitional nature of the universe is not so obvious and the odd/even exponential transitions is jumping out of the tub naked and running down the streets naked insightful.  You want to be close to your target weight when you do that.
  More importantly, the base change in dimension and folding is not so obvious.  Nor, I will admit, is it a particularly grand in concept; even though it is grand in effect.
It is like I droned on in the last post.  I really apologize for droning on.  This is not really my fault.  It is your fault.  If we were together, I doubt I would even pick this up.  I would spend all my time waiting to see you, if I couldnt spend it with you.  Last night, well I wish I could tell you everything in this blog, but its called a world in amber, not as the world turns.  Its about physics and the other nonsense I decide to write in it, like about my weight.  You have to admit for an old guy I work out pretty hard and I have lost quite a bit of weight.  A mid sized cat as it were.
I suppose that is what this blog should be about.  Measuring the world in terms of cats.
10^-50 cats is a...what?
That is sort of the points, however.  Because 10^-16 cats is a two dimensional cat (more or less).  10^-20 or so cats is one dimensional and both those very small cats are below the state where there is effective time or energy.  And yet, the cat that is eating my breakfast is within the hypothetical transitional collection of lower cat states.  The nucleous of the cat are surrounded  by transitionally smalller cat states, 10-12 cats with clouds of smaller, dimensionally less cats folded about the denser, almost 3 dimesnional cat protons and 3 dimensional cat neutrons.  That is really what it is, in their numbers, folded around the dense cats, the achieve a greater dimensional framework, individually they are...smaller.
But that is not the end of the cat story.
Indeed, the smaller the cat, the longer the cat appears until space appears to stretch out forever, not because it has more length or dimension, but because it is in so many places before it is subject to time.  That is something to wrap you head around and try to touch it until it begins to purr in your brain.
We see these very long cats in between the 10^-16 and and 10-12 cat size as wave lengths and then they steadily begin to coallesce into the cats that are subject to time before they begin to grow, first into mollecular 10^16*16^2-4 cats and they get bigger and bigger, until suddenly, the get smaller and smaller as they turn into 16^20, 30, even 32 type cats with a fourth dimension and a much smaller 3 dimensional aspect even as their fourth dimensional aspect grows and another, denser time takes hold where our earthly cats become the wave lengths, being in multiple places at once, dead and alive to these giant, small, 4 dimensional black (hole) cats.  Our cats actually become Schrodinger's cats at last.

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