
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Physics Terrorist and the 'lectron

Before swimming 2500 yards yesterday, the pool temperature had dropped 4 degrees,  the result of rain and clouds.  Fortunately not even close to a deal killer, it still had a psychological effect before I dove in.
I am glad I did, for even though the weather is supposed to be good later today, more rain means a lower temperature and it is done.  Swimming provides balance against weight lifting just as yoga would.
It is thundering in the distance while a large bubble storm moves over the county where I life.  It will be gone soon and today will be another sunny to partly cloudy day.  For now it is so clammy that the air feels different and my skin feels like it is covered in grease.
Even though it is relatively late in the morning, hours since I woke up, well two is a plural, it is dark and as you know my vision is not so good and the bright light of summer is unbearable.
It is cool and wet outside, I had to put on a jacket but it is so wet that the papers around me have taken on a slightly wrinkled appearance and have the same greasy feel as my face, the ink edits smear.
I have been trying to move on, but so far I continue to meet resistance.
I had some expected, but still inconvenient economic setbacks.  I will deal with those, but I dont have to be happy about it.
The scientific financial setbacks tied to my science are almost as significant.  Indeed, come August they will be high; but fortunately, I have been working hard on the patent months in advance of the deadline, producing a solid document and tighter claims.  It will present challenges, but for at least 12 months I should be able to meet them and thereafter I will just have to get selective.
The article of the day is this nonsense: Computing faster with quasi-particles.
This example of not knowing what they are working with leading to ineffective results is what AuT is all about.  When you are looking at this and wondering why its important, look at this article and ask yourself, if they knew what the fuck they were working with,might their work be effective instead of experimental?
More like quasi physics, but whatever.
I am not here to whine or perhaps I am.  It is my blog.  The books...well the books have most stuff.
After the next patent is filed I will present a much more in depth view of the 'lectron.  That is not a mis-spelling, because it is vastly different from the thing which these .org physicists talk about. It is both more certain and vastly different, it exists as a necessary counterpart to the pre-collapse ct4t16 proton which itself is not totally a thing, but is close enough to the neutron to achieve a type of stability, of consistency that controls the consistency of the 'lectron just as the black hole controls the consistency of the galaxy.  The fractal version of the circle of life, a non-circle.
These dot org people are not even trying to find the right science, they are just looking for papers which allow them to stroke their own ego.  In its own way, it is the Salem Witch Trials.  Burn the witch.  I care, but I do not have my own army.
Of course the only readers I care about are the ones from Greece, but aren't all scientists Greeks after a fashion, just as we are all Sumarians?  We are the modern embodiment of those who looked beyond what was obvious and what they had been indoctrinated with and went in search for truth.
Only they are my people, the other witches.
I am the poster child for going beyond what I was taught and looked for truth, because I found it.
You do not need new theory or tests for AuT because everything fits within it.  It is a little weird, but not when you think about it.  Of course, the .org people who are only interested in stroking their own members (egos) are too fearful to admit that they have a 2.8 trillion dollar economic impact based on inaccurate science or that the billions spent on their supercolliders is wasted.
I swam 2500 yards since it looked like it was going to storm the rest of the weekend.
It left me more relaxed, but still dissatisfied and irritable.
It is raining even harder now, but it will be gone soon, even the rain which so matches my dark mood will abandon  me.

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