
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

the elaborate dinner and the next big thing

i was up at midnight today.   I managed to lay back down but I did not sleep.
AuT is about fusion because that is the reach of the average investor.
It is about fusion because it teaches how fusion occurs in nature and therefore how to replicate it.
Aut is about quantum computing because it correctly identifies the smallest particles and how they interact.
An article, only a few months old technically, published today.
Thanks for submitting your valuable article to our journal. We are pleased to inform you that your article has been uploaded in the Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics. Kindly go through the link To find your article. 
AuT is the biggest thing you will see in your lifetime.  Well, the biggest thing in physics.
I am slogging through the next version of the patent which brings together some far distant pieces and brings a great deal of focus into things like spew and absorption which power the neutron role in the molecular structure and the fractal features which have an enormous impact on how  the universe functions to generate such complicated results.
I am still waiting for the appeal.  The appeal takes observations and math and puts them together in such a way that you have to either accept the model, at least as far as bridging gravity to the other forces or you have to say, it does not matter that it is mathematically irrefutable, we deny it because it is what we want to do.
Don't believe me, read that article.  It is close to up to date.
AuT fusion is the tip of a very big iceberg, because AuT is starwars science, it is making energy from nothing (if you can call prephoton states nothing), antigravity and faster than light travel.
It is mathematically sound, if you find a way that it does not fit in, it is only because you are making something up or leaving something out.
AuT defines what electromagnetism is as a part of what the electron is.  It redefines the electron as something far different from a fundamental particle in that it is not a single particle at all.  Indeed the new patent defines the electron in this way with much more specificity.  It redefines substantial the energy compoent in electrons in a way which is both obvious in light of the disclosure and surprising to me.  I am shocked, somewhat, to see how simple energy is to manipulate.  In my lifetime, based on this science, we will end the energy crisis, if stupidity does not kill us or if the pursuit of this is not sidetracked by smaller minds first. 
It redefines what is quantum and is critical to quantum  computing for that reason.
But that is only the part of the iceberg that is above the surface, because AuT defines what dimension is and separates time, as an effect, from change which is the most powerful quantum force.
While prior physics showed the relationship between energy and matter, AuT takes this relationship forward to black holes and backward to space, defining gravity and dark energy in the process.
There are 4 articles published on the science, but the scope of science increases every week and has increased in scope since August of 2018 when it was first defined sufficently to appreciate what it taught.  Indeed, the first article, published in October of that year, while providing the fundamental features, is already hopelessly out of date.  So it is new, and to understand how new it is, the details of the fusion reaction were only fully developed in the middle of 2019, where we are as this is written.
If you are looking for a smart thermostat or the next big application and that is the extent of your imagination, thank you for your time.  If you are intested in the survival of man, in conquering space it is me you are looking for.

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