
Thursday, May 30, 2019

electron 4 the obit

The periodic table evolves, even under AuT it is not complete.
I mean under AuT what is going on is set out, but it is still pretty complicated in its applications and permutations.
What is AuT?  It is not a clever application or product.
AuT is the most fundamental science ever, at least here on earth.
In 5 minutes I can show you why no one can create exothermic fusion reactions, in 10 minutes I can show you how to address those problems.  I only have 3 mintues, so go buy a book if you're interested in the science of fusion, quantum computing, perhaps flying saucers.
It is not the ultimate science, because it opens the curtains that hide the ultimate science.  Will it get there in the natural course of events, is there enough of that ultimate science so that it can be claimed to be a  part of AuT because AuT recognizes it for what it is?
These are questions for the future.
When AuT is applied, as to the atom, to fusion, to quantum computing, to energy, to charge it explains them in ways that were not clear before but which become clear.
In five minutes (or less) I can explain why fusion reactors do not work.  In 10 minutes (or less) I can explain how to address the problem (hopefully).  Indeed with the electron drawing that I have given you the problem and the solution are obvious and I have not even mentioned the proton!  It is just that obvious and that simple once you realize that the universe is a multi-dimensional, multi-fractional mathematical quantum result.
And yet, without prior observations, AuT would be a theory.  Indeed the transition from a base 10 model to a model with multiple base numbering was the result of attempting to match the base 10 results with observations.
If pi was not known to be something, it would have been impossible to figure out the role of pi, the two very distinct parts, the denominator first and numerator second, in the build out of the universe.
And yet, the entrenched view of the universe drags at AuT, clinging and pulling it backwards like the chains of Marley, but perhaps worse.
So who died and made me a genius.  That wouldn't be Murray Gell-Mann, but he died.
I have a lot on the periodic table in the books and maybe some historical stuff in this blog.  Worth looking at.
Murray started down the right path, but because he started too far down the periodic table vrs having a decent model and seeing how the periodic table fits into it, he got lost like everyone else.  Because Murray did not have AuT to work with, he ended up saddling us with Quarks.
He followed things like string theory but he also considered particles more fundamental than quarks and if quarks were a thing and not a wrong turn, he'd be a fan of AuT; perhaps he have invented it instead of me.
Like me, he felt that the universe reflected simple laws of physics and AuT shows even more simple rules which give rise to the laws of physics which sounds a lot less like an obit and a plug for AuT, but there it is.
Unlike me, Murray was a really smart guy and not just lucky.  As my friend Alan always says, it's better to be lucky than good.
We're all lucky after a fashion.
So, I'm wondering what to get to next.  There is so much and there is so little to do and I have patent claims to edit, close to 100 of them that I have to get down to 20.  Pretty outrageous, but then I am the old person who still lives.
If I can get to the next step, does that mean I get my life back?
It doesn't have to be that way, but that is the way it is headed.
Tomorrow is another day.

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