
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

the electron 3

swam 2,000 yards, lifted weights and did the stair machine, but it was not as dramatic as I'd have liked then took a day off which is always a terrible idea, then swam 2000 yards again yesterday.
This morning I weighed in at 174.4 eatting three pretty big meals yesterday.  I think that gravity must be messed up.  If that is not the case, I am now in the 1% under my target weight range as well as 1% over so i  can feel pretty good that diet and exercise is still working.
I am going to continue talking about just the first electron drawing, because it is a drawing of the proton, galaxy and pre-photon to some example, and why this is or is not is going to be discussed a little along with the periodic table of the elements.
As those of you who have read one of the books:

are aware, the periodic table is reflected by the model, but by line 3 it begins to fall apart a little.  In my obituary post (not mine) which is coming up I am going to get into the other comparisons, of course not as good, since the periodic table is what it is.
But for the moment, we will stick with just the accurate version put forth by AuT and the less accurate versions which predate it will be discussed later.
I note people continue to  just get the science from this blog which is a bit silly, like getting ready for a test on moby dick by just reading the cliff notes.  Its a funny book, you should read it, then again AuT books tend to be a bit dry and I have to suggest if you are not a scientist that you stick with the audio book.  It is technical, but it can be listened to while you walk the dog, jog, drive or do any other activity where you can listen to quantum mechanics in the background (do not operate heavy machinery while reading this blog).
Where was I...
There are two drawings of the electron below, one the actual drawing we have been discussing and the other is god's version; but his version is off for the same reason the periodic table is off and that is  why I want to discuss co-existing dimensions and the periodic table.
The problem with AuT is that you have to have the lower dimensional states to get the fractal results for the higher states.  This is both the nature of iterated equations but in this case it is because of the limit equations giving rise to the higher compression states.  This co-existence, obviously, becomes less important with the higher ct4-5 compression states...why obvious...because you are using lower ct4-5 states in place of the ct3-4 states and hence between said the radioactives and the neutron star you do not see a lot of new elements.  You just dont need the protons and electrons as building block ct states.   Think about it, maybe while jogging and listening to the audio book and you will get it.  It is worth noting that this all means you never see black holes in the absence of a near galactic cloud around it, although you can get those clouds before you get a black hole just as hydrogen is a proton with an electron of the type shown below and it requires the electron be there which is part of the point of this whole series of blog posts and has importance far beyond scientific, being the crux of the first target for commercialization of AuT and saving the world by coincidence.
Back to the failings of the periodic table and whether they are failings at all.
I have not, I will be honest, done any of the calculations yet.  You might say, correctly, that this makes this post a theoretical post, and I would agree.  I do have a fair amount of confidence, however, because AuT always works better than what came before, logically and mathematically, so you may be worried, but I fart in your general direction if you are skeptical.  Yes, in a universe governed by irony (proven mathematically in the books) the most brilliant mind in physics in history quotes monte python).
where does this inconsistency beginning around line 3 in the periodic table of the elements come from.
It comes from this, The periodic table is based on 2-3 dimension base 6-10 interactions between ct3 and ct4 which is only the outer shell of the atom.  Indeed the silliness of including hydrogen in the table which is otherwise a ct4-5 hybrid relies on this.
On the other hand, the neutron portion is based on ct4-5 3-4 dimensional compression.  You can see from this that inconsistency is therefore built into the system and explained generally by AuT even if not specifically (yet) and I will get to that in due course and you will oo and ahh about it or if you want you can make a stab at it in the comments.

The example I want to point out has to do with where this is all going, but today, even though this is not about electrons, it is about something much bigger.
Are you beginning to see why this is so important?
I may never hit you over the head or not, the patents are filed, go ahead and make some guesses.

It is time to talk about books too.

This book is now available!
The edited version, the third edition.  I will tell you that it certainly could use one more edit, but it is in pretty good shape and I would invite you to read and review it, discussing as it does many of the characters who are raised from history in this blog.

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