
Thursday, October 23, 2014

I am unconvinced and speeches that are partially written

It appears to me that not all of my loyal readers have watched the u-tube video.
I can almost understand the strangely pervasive interest in the posts on "the zeno socrates dialog" and the apparent unwillingness to comment (for good or ill) on Amazon; but I cannot understand why anyone would not listen to a zombie love song this close to Halloween.  It just doesn't make sense to me.
I have this speech to write and its already way overdue.  Here are some notes

Flashes of Genius: Improvisations That Move Human
Awareness to Higher Planes of Enlightenment and Creativity
New Orleans speech
When I was approached about speaking, my original thought was to go over my newest physics text. It took a largely conceptual work and turned it into a theoretical model of quantum mechanics.
That, was considered a little too mathematical for the theme  "The Art of Improvisation in Words, Music, and Life”.
So I then found a post from September of this year where I discussed the moment when Non-Linear Time theory crystalized in my mind, the Eureka moment. But it was not just a moment, it had an origin in study before and required the breath of life over the subsequent two years to make it into something tangible.
I hate to disappoint you, but I am not going to discuss the theory of quantum mechanics, however if someone asks me about it in the question and answer period of this…I cannot be held responsible for the consequences.

It's not exactly the pitch I want to make, but perhaps something worthwhile can come of it.  I am going to discuss this in general terms and then I am going to disprove insight and genius entirely.

Point of insight-3 that have to do with the creation of the universe, reality itself:

  1. Parmenides-taken to land of gods- travels "beyond the beaten paths of mortal men" to receive a revelation from an unnamed goddess (generally thought to be Persephone or Dike) on the nature of reality:
    1. object is to find a unity of all things
    2. illusion vs reality
  1. Newton with apple falling on his head leading to the math of motion which would be so celebrated that it would hold England back for almost a generation from innovative math until the students rebelled under Babbage.
  2. And then there is Einstein and me. Well, let's ignore me for the moment and talk about Einstein. An insight of special theory of relativity came to Albert Einstein while talking to his friend Michele Besso: I started the conversation with him in the following way: "Recently I have been working on a difficult problem, today I come here to do battle against that problem with you" We discussed every aspect of this problem. Then suddenly I understood where the key to this problem lay. Next day I came back to him again and said to him without even saying hello, "thank you. I've completely solved the problem" However, Einstein also said that the whole idea of special relativity did not come to him as a sudden, single thought, like a eureka moment: "Actually, I was led to it by steps arising from the individual laws derived from experience.
While only a madman would put himself in the same sphere as Einstein, I understand perfectly, lm (laughing maniacally). I came up with ideas through work, not just a single moment. And yet, when questioned by others about my theories, some of my best insights came from trying to put into words what I did or did not understand.

What then, is the effect of human interaction, the right human interaction?

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