
Thursday, October 2, 2014

On Non-Linear Time and The Zeno Socrates' Dialog

As those of you who read this post regularly, you know I am not one to let sleeping dogs lie.  I will in fact, beat a dead horse until it reanimates itself and trots away to be done with me.
I will for example say that I have "out einsteined Einstein" even though my work draws heavily from his conceptually (perhaps stealing whatever else it needed from string hologram theory-to be distinguished from einstein hologram theory which was the first attempt to describe what later became Non-linear time; just to beat that horse a little more).
Of course, many of you are thinking I am either a prankster, or that I have gaslighted myself.  But my madness was manufactured for me, I'll have you know, I barely participated in it.
And so I will tell you not that NLT is the thinking man's Zeno-Socrates Dialogs.  Or, put another way, the ZSD is the dumb person's NLT.  That statement is not meant to insult the unintelligent, though you would think that at first blush.  Instead it is directed to all the physicists in the world who, failing to fall for my wonderful personality, have ignored something so fundamental that it will, in time, replace everything fundamental that they have.  Well, let me be fair-it will supplement it.
Indulge me on this, gentle reader, as an author, at least, should like his own work.
But let me digress as I have not digressed enough.
My plan is to ask everyone who listens to my song more than once to send me a nickle each time or buy one of my books (on the honor system of course).  The first listen will be free, of course.  I would hate to be known as a crass music capitalist when it is art for arts sake.  The book purchase is just to assure my thoughts are in as wide a circulation as possible; which is essentially non-existent.
I was playing the song this morning before work (every rendition is different in several important aspects from the last, often not an improvement when a client walked in and commented that "it sounded nice" which reminded me a song by the who.  It doesn't sound nice and perhaps I should pay you if you listen to it more than one time instead.  This is NOT it, by the way.

I will beat the dead horses further at a later time.

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