
Saturday, October 25, 2014

NLT-everyone is wrong except me; multiple dimensional time in non-linear time, walruses and hiden cave laboratories

I am just kidding of course.
A recognition of the potential of Non linear time is very similar to the recognition that Apocalypse now is merely the film script for heart of darkness set in vietnam, not to be confused with Ebolapocolypse which is the recognition that the failure of viruses to kill enough of us is the real disaster.  If you had both (Heart of Darkness and AN) before you, it is so blatently obvious (and Stanley C. meant it to be obvious) that you have to say, "even if I don't agree with you completely, you are right."
Still, no foreign country has offered me a laboratory cut into a mountain yet, so I'm assuming I have to make a movie with Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando to make this work.
As I have said before (and will say again) the number of "coordinates" which you can call dimensions if it makes you happy; it doesn't make me happy, but they are just words, are irrelevant.  I'm assuming since this is my original theory that everyone else is "programmed" not to get it right off, and I am doomed to explain it and then read another stupid article by some "huffington post physicist" saying the same thing in a different way and claiming credit for some "earth shattering" discovery.  The only thing that keeps me from going all "postal" on this issue is the realization that in NLT there are no "earth shattering" discoveries.  It's all an illusion, I merely repeat what I have said throughout what we'd call eternity, the characters in a book, I play the role of narrator today, hey, I'm Martin Sheen!  Or wait, perhaps Brando, the dark, dying prophet.  We have the same hairstyle, me and Marlon.
Anyway, this is about time coordinates (P(t)(x,y,z,u,v,w, and on and on).  In your "cave man" Einstein-Newton-Babbage (well Babbage may be closer to me in theory)-Hawking (if you've nothing to hide, where's the s?) physics cabal world you see x,y and z as "the only visible dimensions" and time as some super special thing, harrumphing along like a bunch of comic characters in bowler hats in an old disney movie.  It's really almost too much for me to go on, it's like lecturing to walruses, harrumphing walruses in bowler hats at that.  They think their opinions mean something, when in fact even my correct assessments are meaningless.
No, it doesn't matter which coordinates are changing, because they are NOT DIMENSIONAL.
You only pick up on change so a coordinate not "changing" is not visible, not relevant from our point of reference even though it exists in non-linearity and can be expected to change as infinity plays out.  Their change does change the point of reference that we have, but the change is all that is relevant and therefore there is much more "variety" possible than we could possibly perceive in an x,y,z environment.
In CT5 you would see 4 dimensions because you were standing on the 5th looking out.  We look at CT5 and it appears to "disappear" (as I originally thought, being a harrumphing walrus myself); but on the contrary, theory shows something entirely different.  It doesn't disappear because it's dropping out of the universe (shame on my walrus self).  No; it is more "in" than we are. It has 5 dimensions changing at once, the harrumphing walruses in CT5 have 4 dimensional bowlers (unless they are me).  And yet, and this is what forced me to realize I was right, they remain "fixed" relative to our 3-D view of things because they don't drop out of the universe, but remain "right in place" because the coordinates are continuing to change (if four change at once, than 3 must also be changing)
You are now twisting your bowler in your flappers and chewing on your mustache, your stomach churning from Krill you ate this morning and whining to one another (don't whine to me) "but we still see the black holes in 3-d space, we don't see this 4th dimension.  Well, my walrus friends, I too twirled my bowler and twirl it still although only because the answer is disturbing.  The answer is that things, including your bowler, have more dimensions than we see.  The number is irrelevant, as long as the number that change at one time does not vary.  The second we take "energy" and change an additional coordinate at once, it sits down and turns into a bowler hat.  If we take your bowler hat (don't worry, we'll give it back) and change another of its dimensions at once it will turn into a bowler hat black hole.  And of course the amount of energy released if we take the bowler hat black hole and reduce its changing dimensions to 3, the amount of energy released is exponentially greater (10^32) than the energy from that puny nuclear weapon.  So, a laboratory in a cave anyone?

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