
Friday, October 10, 2014

NLT 2nd edition-loop quantum and string quantum gravity debugged (1 of several)

Since I haven't gotten a better offer (no end of disappointment there) I am going to spend the weekend qualifying NLT as an exception to string theory (quantum gravity) and loop quantum gravity (basically the same thing with different variables if you ask me-which no one did).
A recognized "problem" with these approaches is that when prior theories attempted to quantize gravity, they were unhappy with the prospect of subjecting "some properties" of spacetime to quantum fluctuation.  Of course, when you are dealing with NLT, space time is also quantized (as time) so this isn't a problem.
Pior theories failed because the dealt with dimensions incorrectly.  They presumed the possibility of one, two and three dimensional frameworks (perceived) and speculated on additional dimensions, particularly time which is experienced if not perceived).  
NLT recognizes that dimensions are all present at once, but merely lack linearity.  The one, two and three dimensional characteristics are merely the expression of the number of these dimensions that can change at one moment, one quantum time step.
Hence you have Stress, energy and momentum of an electromagnetic field at a point (x,t) is the function of three components (each) of the electric and magnetic fields at that point.  In other theories, these points are hard to define and so are the fields. The Heisenberg UP requires geometric uncertainty related to one property when another is defined but this is only because they cannot be "frozen" in time.  Since NLT defines all properties as frozen in time to begin with, this uncertainty can be eliminated in thoery.
The one failure of general relativity in this regard is that it rejects a fixed kinematical structure for spacetime, which NLT provides, albeit with serious problems since we have fixed spacetime (0,0) but perceive it when there are changes in coordinates, the one coordinate change initiating the process being perceived as a "zero" coordinate change fluctuation which necessarily requires a pull towards non-linearity.
For those of you wanting a refresher, forces are the prior time state going negative.  Hence photonic energy is created when you have two two coordinate changes at once.  The photonic energy is one coordinate change at once.  You go back to the state where only "space" is perceived, you have the zero coordinate change which is gravity.  It has nowhere to pull in linearity so it has to pull to non-linearity.
Of course no prior theory provided any basis for this relationship, but that's why I should get a nobel prize (no one is knocking on the door, but the nobel prize is not what I'm looking for right now anyway in the way a response-and you know what I'm talking about or maybe you don't, who knows, sometimes I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about).
Now quantum field theory involves using a fixed background which is closer than general relativity, but the error is on fixating on a dimensional framework, really a time space framework.  Again, this fails because it requires looking at gravitational forces using the primitive ball on a table attached by springs type of analysis no matter how you complicate it.
So where does NLT "fail" in all of this. Well, in truth, it doesn't "fail" it just isn't finished yet.  We have fully defined what gravity is and how it interacts with Non-linear environments; but we need to define how and why linear gravitational field interacts with another and we're going to do that the same way we've done everything else.  We're going to look at the existing frameworks (the two specified above) and we're going to solve them for non-linearity, i.e. remove time and replace it with coordinate changes thereby eliminating all of the perceived problems with the prior theories, simplifying them and making them easier to understand (lol).

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