
Monday, October 13, 2014

NLT-2nd edition 4 of several-Is the justification too much?


The primary goal is to continue refining the model of NLT. 
There is no need for expensive equipment or new tests because all of the data required to refine NLT already exists.  The idea is that other theories have misread the data so that applying NLT will yield the results required.  For example, black hole data is merely the data of the next higher coordinate change state for time from matter.  Once this is realized, the features of black holes become very easy to analyze.  There is no need to find a specific “type” of black hole.  Likewise, space is nothing more than the lowest time coordinate state and hence the studies of space already conducted contain all of the data necessary for an analysis of NLT.
A secondary goal is to better define what “time” is.  In this application, a great deal of light will be shed on this.  Again, no new data is required.  Space is a singular sequential coordinate change “time”; matter is four coordinate change “time”; black holes are five simultaneous coordinate change “time”.  Hence there is plenty of “time” around us for the study.  The idea that we’d have to separate something else to find it is unnecessary and is the weakness of pre Non-linear time theories.
A third goal of the inquiry is to define the simultaneous aspects of time, the character of matter (dimensional characteristics) and anti-matter (force characteristics) normally subscribed to as matter and anti-matter.
These few lines set out the entire field of inquiry which is discussed in more detail below.

            Working just in my free time, I deliver to you a conceptually complete theory predictive of the 14 items above and more.  I predicted not only the compression of black holes on a specific scale (10^32) but what they represented, namely a time with a fifth coordinate changing simultaneously.  

          While Non Linear time suggests that anti-gravity is unlikely, I happen to be your best bet for building a floating car, faster than light time travel and freezing things in a suspended state.  I have done all of this unfunded and in my spare time over 24 months.  I'm not saying that I will produce a floating car or a transporter or that my math solutions when given enough time to put them together will immediately change the world, but I am so far ahead of everyone else, that it makes sense to allow me to continue to move forward and if there are floating cars, faster than light travel and transporters in the future, my work will be attached to them.  At least that is how I interpret my theories against the background of the predecessor theories.

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