
Friday, October 3, 2014

numbers and words; Zeno-socrates dialog; non-linear time

As I write this I have just swam a very tough (to do, not in effort) 3100 yards bringing my four day total just shy of 9,000 yards which is something of an undertaking for a modern day Phinius (not the cartoon character, the blind greek); blinded by love, abandonment and blindness.  So if my thoughts seem less than lucid, I suggest you sit in a dark closet for six hours breathing at excessively regular intervals while doing push ups and try reading it again.
I think the ZSD book was good, but I see much I could do with a second edition.  Of course, my way is not to build a boat with no flaws, but instead to put as many planks as I have patience and on hand and then launch it in heavy seas hoping the bilge pump can handle the leaks.  That rarely works for me, in case you are wondering.  My  coastline is littered with wrecks, but I daresay even you, with your neurotically meticulous way of doing things, can see your share of wrecks in your own waters.
I am reading a book called "The information" which i highly recommend.  The author (glieck?) has the type of name (like mine) that forces you to try to explain yourself and that is why he wrote his book and perhaps why i wrote mine (other than the fact that it is preordained that we would both do that).  There are words from it in this blog and in the last-for those of you who looked up gas lighting, congratulations and you're welcome.
Here are the words and numbers, some of this comes from that book, some does not.
Caudry, who apparently had the first english dictionary encompassed 2500 words, although to be fair he apparently only included those which required the average mad-dog englishman's need for a dictionary explanation.
The written word, invention and especially better communications has increased this number (inclusive of the easy words) to more than 1 million words.  In the time of Caudry's dictionary, there were perhaps 60,000 words total, so Caudry was operating at around 4%.  However Green Eggs and Ham apparently only has 50 words, I am unwilling to try green eggs or green ham and think trying to sell them as a food item to children unconscionable but it continues to sell well and I suspect I could recite it by heart even today.
Lets talk about mondegreens of wright, my apocalyptic heart and the apparent goal of the universe of glorifying quiet desperation another day.

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