
Monday, October 27, 2014

NLT - Time bits and tapping into the power of temporary black holes-one of two-entropy de-bunk-ed

Predecessor theories have a common diagram of lines in three dimensions and a more mysterious coordinate set called time.  This is useful in dealing with a macro environment since we experience the effects of this type of analysis, but it is clearly incorrect.  In order to understand why, a simple understanding of 4 and 5 coordinate time is useful.
First, let's talk about the math involved and to do that we have to discuss the fact that dimensional states include multiple dimensions changing, perhaps a non-limited number.  That is, each "change" could represent a different time state without departing from the basic concepts of non-linear time.
Lets start then with the basic concept that each time coordinate changing at one time leads to an exponential change of 2^n where n is the number of time dimensional states that change at once.  Let's also acknowledge tht coordinate changes can occur at the speed of light (even though that requires an acknowledgement of time which, as will be explained, requires that at least two clock times change at once.
Concentration is required in order to move between time states "permanently-reversably stable" but it appears through the appearance of "temporary black holes" that 10^32 concentrations can be absent but that 5 coordinates can change at once at high energies for a short period of time, but that these are too unstable to remain in place for most purposes.
Entropy is the increase in disorder of any system.  We "observe" this change over time.  But time is illusory.  At any point you go to the amount of entropy is conserved in NLT.
We know that black holes are CT5 and that they represent an exponential increase in order, the opposite of entropy.
It has not be calculated, but the increase in negative entropy may offset the amount of positive entropy.  But irregardless of what the overall result, we know that at any point in time that you go to the past and the future will be fixed.  There is no entropy because the system is not truly changing.

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