
Monday, October 5, 2015

china-the army that the we built (or at least paid for)

Who doesn't like to say I told you so?

But I'm going to rant for a moment.on something else.  I'm not happy right now.  I cannot understand how people can be as stupid as they are.  Today I watched Isis destroy 2,000 year old buildings that can never be replaced, that withstood time for as long as their religion.  I cannot abide it.
I watched the united states fighting Russia in Syria to continue the war we already lost in the middle east when we started it in Iraq.  Afganistan, the graveyard of empires, and someone I have to call the worst president ever took us there because he had no history and now we're fighting the russians over the same real estate we've been fighting for since world war II ended.  Just how stupid can people be, how stupid can our government be, how unwilling to avoid admitting we've made a mistake?
And then I had to listen to how young girls had to live and die in El Salvadore because instead of helping our neighbors to bring their gangs into line and our enemies to stabilize areas so that both the middle americans and syrians could stay at home, we use million dollar bombs to kill men in tents and fight with our natural allies in an attempt to justify the failed policies of politicians who were not even on the same side during the last war.  The historical way to fight in the middle east is to fight a cultural war of annihilation, and we haven't the stomach for it even if we had a culture worth dying for, even if those wars ever had a reason.
I cannot abide the destroyers of history, even though I know the irrelevance of all things, but we gave them their power and we continue it with our failed policies.  Why do I have to watch while the US spends the last of its money, like the greeks before, in the middle east killing for no better reason than to maintain the failed policies of the worst of our recent leaders.  Both sides of the political isle in this country fighting the wrong war again.

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