
Friday, October 2, 2015

NLC- perpetual motion and the spiral nightmare -the "mightware" 1

How do we avoid the application of perpetual motion in a steady state universe?  Before we get to the correct answer, we need to look at the answer that would be given by traditional, that is to say pre-NLC physics (relativity, string theory, etc)
The wrong answer:  The wrong answer provided by pre-NLC physics  is that we probably don't.  This means that the "Hawkins type" model applies where there is a "beginning" of the universe with pre-destination thereafter, but the ability for some random outcome previously. After all, the rules of physic have to apply consistently to the post "big bang" universe, right? (wrong).  In this Hawkian model, there must be some sort of clock to the universe that winds the universe up or down.
This model is ludicrous, of course, in a EHT universe (the earliest form of the NLC universe).  We are working with a model that is suggested by observations (and forced issues as discussed in detail hereinbefore) that might include logarithmic spirals and even the design of the opposing spirals.  Because the opposing spirals is a good model for dealing with the correct outcome, I will continue with it even though I can come up with other models.
By way of review, the spiral model is suggested by gravity itself (the tendency to go non-linear) which acts in a logarithmic spiral (such as what happens when you fall into a black hole-you actually spiral into it) and by the fact that you never can reach non-linearity, hence the inability to solve necessarily infinite series like pi-Instead nlc says you get to a certain minimum size beyond which a solution is irrelevant.
So what is this spiral nightmare that I refer to and how does the universe "not" run out of gas, either slowly winding down or becoming fully entrophied-spread out to a common nothingness.  The answer, consistent with all NLC theory, is more devastating than a universe which spreads out forever, where the intelligent species that are smart enough to mast pre-NLC physics  spend the waning years of the universe collecting together whatever dust they can to survive in an Asmovian last ditch effort to build god.  Sadly, that version makes better fiction, but worse physics.
Instead, the NLC unverse has everything more fully fixed, even down to the pre-big bang aspects.  The universe always has and will function according to the set rules that govern a photograph that is not degrading (The portrait of Lorian Gray in reverse).
At any point, things are what they are past, present and future.  So what is THIS nightmare?
The nightmare comes from an acceptance, at any point, of "a set" of "rules of physics"  These are not the Newton-Hawkins physics that pre-NLC teaches (except it part).  For purposes of our model, these are the changing physics of intersecting spirals.
In a fixed model of the universe, an NLC model, one can argue that in certain places the rules of entropy change, in the model it would appear they could be reversed.
The key is the NLC fixed universe model.  A circular, permanent universe is possible because it is static and it is not "governed" by the rules of physics but instead "defines" the physics.  All events occur together and hence the illusion of entropy (and organization) is based on the observation of a single point along the spiral.
It may be that it would be impossible to judge a point or have perspective without the collision of two spirals which would require that we are within the intersection of two spirals but our position can be anywhere until we figure out why we should be at any point and what the right model is.  The intersecting spiral model is only used because it is an elegant (in this case rough and simple) model for what is observed.  However, we will continue to use it for this discussion for lack of anything better (newton physics before relativity).  Nightmare, "mightware" you ask?  Where is it?
Go back to one of the posts where I posted the drawing of the intersecting spirals.  Where are we? One of the stepped collisions?  One of the "short" lines after the collision?  The mirror image short lines "before" the collision of the spirals?
I like to think that we are in one of the long lines "post collision" before the 90 degree turn becomes a universe "falling together".  I will, in later posts, discuss the merits of the other locations, so this one is used only because it appears to be the most logical (post big bang).
In many ways, another model appeals to me, the long "drop" to the next turn before the next collision so that in this I could say we are in a falling universe (falling apart) and this looks like falling apart.  But this long drop is actually more of a falling together because it ends (after a 90 degree turn) with another collision.  The nightmare, then, lies in the 90 degree turn to go from the post collision area where I picture us today to the "long drop" before the next collision.
Note that while the line is short, the amount of "time" embodied in it (4 billion years and counting perhaps) is not governed by the drawing of the spirals since time is artificial and you can cram as much as you'd like in any distance since the distance and the time in the NLC model are interchangeable.  The "quantum time" I define earlier, is only relevant relative to us and while the amount of time is important for calculating the number of spirals, as will be discussed later with changing physics, there is no need to limit the number of spirals based on traditional ideas.
So, the nightmare, the mightware, we must get to that and move on.
Assuming the model is workable, we exist in a post collision/big bang ct5 or ct6 universe with entropy and gravity and other physics according to models that the pre-NLC physicists have fooled us into believe merely because they affect and govern our lives in their entirety.  But in the intersecting spiral model, at some point, the spiral will take a 90 degree turn.  When it does, the universe begins to collapse (from the expanding universe we have today) and this change may require that the rules of entropy and perhaps even gravity change (presumable not gravity because gravity is merely the tendency to return to non-linearity, but that's for another post).
What this means is that a quantum point, whoever is left dies.  We cannot exist without our physics, without our entropy even.  While all of our socks may fold themselves in their drawers in such a universe, we could not exist in the form we exist in, our bodies exist to overcome entropy, what would all those systems do if they were reversed (an anti-superman-reverse world scenario where this blog would be called "cln?").  The short answer is that at any quantum moment we cease to exist.  One moment, we're going out about business, talking, being in love, killing each other, polluting the planet to death, etc.  The next moment, entropy is reversed, the universe starts to fall together, we are done...except that we continue to exist in this moment.  Together, apart, talking, in silence; now will continue to be now in the nlc universe.
Sleep well!
to be continued.

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