
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

mightware 4

If I loath myself, how must I feel about everyone else?  It matters so little to me what effect the contempt anyone besides you feels towards me.  There is no more care in me to support a regard for anyone else.
There are so many different ways to approach the nightmares I have, those sleeping and those awake, those real and those in my imagination. Sometimes the eye drops help, other times not so much.  One good thing about not being around me is not having to deal with this blindness.  It is, inconvenient.
But, perhaps, not as inconvenient as the end of the universe as we know it.

Gravity spiral goes back towards non-linearity.  The existence of this feature of NLC is well documented in last posts.  The spiral movement towards gravity wells is one of the primary indications of the validity of including a spiral equation in the definition of the universe and is also the origin of spiral features within the universe on spatial scales.

The existence of gravity within the current state of the universe indicates an inward movement towards greater compression, but the universe is expanding indicating that the spiral is overcome by some other force, or by some initial acceleration.  The part of the universe where we find ourselves is moving outward against the forces attempting to return it to non-linearity.  This indicates that aspects of both expansion and compression are experienced by us.  This indicates that we exist in a state where both are present.

If the area of intersection corresponds to the big bang, then perhaps then the big bang itself, that moment when the compressed universe at the ct5 or ct6 state (certain 5 if there is logarithmic compression) is the initial point where there is a meeting of an inward and outward spiral.  This makes it possible that we are not in a position post overlap, but that we are actually within the overlap.

In such a scenario, there is not an abrupt 90 degree turn in physics, but as soon as we leave this overlap/collision area of the intersecting spirals, the universe as we know it ends just as abruptly; but in a fashion which might allow us to continue.  For example, this may end the forces acting against gravity and allow the universe to start contracting which would be a very mild change in the universe and would tell us that we have a period where there is no overlap in which to contemplate the 90 degree turn leading up to the next compression state, the next big bang, to contemplate the end of a livable universe perhaps..

In the next section we will look back at time dilation.  Thinking in terms of time dilation if we look at four coordinates moving together, they move along at the speed of light but as you slow down one it begins to move along the spirals intersecting the primary spiral.  This spiral must either merge back into line  with the primary spiral or must change at some quantum rate which is not the same rate as the movement of the primary spiral.  This means that those intersecting spirals either stop their machine gun belt movement or collapse against the main spiral completely or that the first two spirals remain at the same rate which would leave all spirals off of intersecting spirals capable of changing at different rates, absorbing, as it were, all changes in rate.  As the points acting independent of the primary spiral cease to move at the same quantum rate, they would experience a state independent of thermodynamics directly since there would be no change along with the thermodynamic primary line which the intersect.  As they are accelerated towards the speed of light, becoming energy in the case of ct4, those points (consistent with the idea of things stretching out) should begin to collapse against or at least to change at the same rate as the primary spiral.  In this way, what we are left with is energy moving at the speed of light and the slow down allowing matter to exist occurs when the intersecting spiral at the ct4 level change at a rate less than the rate of the spirals which are tied in rate change to the primary, thermodynamic spiral thereby answering one of the great questions related to the spiral model.
Using CT1 as the main non-linear aspect, this indicates that both ct2 and ct3 spirals come directly off and vary directly with ct1 using the machine gun feed shown previously.  CT4 functions quite differently.  Given the much higher compression state (10^8 vs 10^4) a large number of spirals must intersect with each of the ct2 and ct3 spirals (graphically shown before).  In order to maintain the rate of change as a constant, even allowing for variation and without increasing the rate past the speed of light one concept put forward is to vary the rate change between prior states and current states.  This would mean that "accelerating" rate change to the speed of light is synonymous to bringing all change states to one time.  Another possibility is that the rate change being spread out over multiple spiral lines allows it to be decreased (e.g. the rate change intersecting two spirals can be 1/2 the speed of light, over 3 1/3, etc).  How these achieve the apparent variable speed from a single quantum change to light speed can be debated, just at the variety of method in which a static model (a now very complicated static model) can give rise to observed rate variations can be debated, but the outcome is no more complicated in concept than the recording of live action onto a cd and then taking the data and replaying it in order to recreate the variety that was originally recorded.   It must be understood that the static universe is only information and the spiral is merely one potential model for how the information is organized.
The force expanding the universe in this model is the injection of material from one deflating sprial into another inflating one.
But you knew that, didn't you.

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