
Friday, October 9, 2015

NLC-time orbits after the application of Fibonacci F-series part 6

What a weird day yesterday was.  It strikes me that in the last 2 weeks I have seen three cities.  One can be viewed only from a river but contains lakes, one can be seen only from a lake but it contains rivers and the third can be seen from both a lake or a river (the lake view is the best in my opinion).  This occurred to me because in this third case I saw the city first from the river and then afterwards coming back across the lake.  I will leave it to you to imagine why that is significant to me.  I had my coffee cup with me, thought briefly of leaving it, delivering it, then decided there were too many reasons that would be a bad idea, perhaps upsetting whatever minimal grasp on reality and the future I might still have.
One important aspect of the linear spiral of NLC is that the number of spirals out can vary.  Hence while our universe may have a fixed amount of information based on the last spiral out before we begin to spiral back in, using this model the total amount of information possible can continue to grow.  This suggests that we are part of an inward and not an outward spiral.
This is not inconsistent with quantum mechanical models which allow for positive and negative information to grow as long as they grow equally so that the net growth is zero.
As can be seen by the drawing below (previously pictured) logarithmic growth (the relationship with exponential growth will be covered in a subsequent blog but is essentially that logarithms are the inverse of exponential growth so that they are two sides of the same coin.  The other issue that needs to be covered later is how we get from linear logarithmic functions which fit the model well to curved logarithmic functions which is shown below the linear drawing.  The curved logarithmic function does not "function" as well to these increased informational states.  Hence one suggestion is that expansion outward is linear and contraction inward becomes curved.  The other suggestions are that curvature is illusory or that the "higher orbits" begin to curve (clock times running off the primary spiral begin to curve at some point.
Information theory suggests growth of compression at the rate of 2^n; while logarithmic spiral function suggests the rate would be e^n.  Neither fits perfectly in observation but both are similar.  E is a messy number like pi and is calculated as (1+1/x)^x as x approaches infinity (here the maximum amount of quantum information points at any "ended cycle" of the sprial will do as the number is pretty close to 2.718 whenever x gets over 500,000 and the number of informational points in the universe is well over 500,000 (perhaps by a factor of over a zillion).
Before getting further into this inversion and its natural consequences relative to inward spirals and curvature (either growth formula (e or 2) is a curving function by virtue of the exponential growth of both) I want to touch briefly on thermodynamics in a fixed universe.
We have already shown that time is not a separate line, that time doesn't exist at the quantum level since each point is only a linear function along a line, time is just the position along a line.  Since thermodynamics are a function of time, thermodynamics do not exist at this level.  This is subtly more important than it sounds.  The second law of thermodynamics covering the movement of time towards increasing disorder suggests we're moving outward on a spiral, but this is misleading because entropy doesn't exist in a NLC universe.  You are now pondering abandoning this line of reasoning, but bear with me for a moment.
What we consider to be disorder is based on linear movement and if you go between two points on the curved or linear spiral one will have differences in order relative to the other so that the idea of thermodynamics is preserved over time.  But any quantum point is equally ordered to any other and only the state of the information (more or less compressed) changes except where the amount of information may grow.  To understand this you have to look at how a fixed universe (everything happens at once) compares to a variable universe where there are uncertainty principles and novel origins giving a higher amount of uncertainty to non-random events (there is no true randomness in either model.   NLC, relativity and quantum mechanics all function based on fixed rules of physics governing events).
Let's use the jigsaw puzzle example:
In a quantum mechanical universe we would start with an assembled puzzle and over time the universe would "shake" this puzzle so that it becomes more an more unorganized.  The amount of organization of the puzzle decreases over time.  It is a picture of something, let's say a small coffee cup filled with coffee when you begin and by the time the universe is done with you it's not a picture of anything, just little pieces of the picture.
In NLC everything happens at once.  Each point is continuous and non-moving.  You can stand on today or you can stand on tomorrow or you can stand on last year.  All points exist simultaneously.  The jigsaw puzzle in such a model is always a fixed picture of whatever it is.  Whether it's a fixed puzzle of loose pieces or a cup of coffee it is fixed.  The amount of order at any point is the same.
Now some of you are saying, yes, but as long as the line changes from order to disorder the effect is the us.  In that you must be right.  Otherwise thermodynamics would not apply to us. But the beauty of NLC lies not in disproving things we know to exist, but in explaining the background in which these things appear to us.
Hence when we talk about exponential growth (using either 2, e or any other number) what we are really doing is looking at how from one point on fixed spiral we can predict what happens at another point on the fixed spiral and, to the extent that we are dealing with the illusion of self determination which is, after all self determination itself by our definition of the word) how we change change one or more of the spiral arms at any point relative to another at either the same, a higher or lower "time orbit".
But enough for today.

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