
Sunday, October 11, 2015

nlc-f'in spirals off of F-spirals 1: NLC-time orbits after the application of Fibonacci F-series part 8

We've talked (far in the past) of the basic equation for multiple clock times which we will \now begin to apply to the F-series spirals.
In order to fully understand this, we have to understand that there are dozens of variables at play; but the reason for looking at the different variables will now begin to get clear.  Some of these are: 1) where can clock times shift?  Or, put another way, can we even have spiral changes of the type necessary for us to experience changes in clock time.  The argument for this will be obvious.
So, finally, let's get some detail about this.
The basic equation is:
CT(tot)=ct1+ct2+ct3+ etc. at any point in time.  These clock times are a function of the starting and ending point of the time and we also have the possibility of negative time states so that ct1=ct(+)+CT(-).  Another factor is that at any point, one clock time state may be positive and the prior states negativer (appearing as forces) or CT(tot)=Ct(3)-ct2-ct1.  There are several other variables in this process. To explore each of them in a single post is a little much, so we're going to stick with the F-series and ct2 for the moment which means that there is less complexity which is reflected in the lack of "variety" in photons.  In this way, many of you are screaming at the screen (to the extent that you have continued to read this at all) that there isn't sufficient variety in this to describe a single green leaf, much less a universe as varied as ours.  The others, however, are nodding sagely noting that Protons, Electrons and Neutrons (made up as they are by quite a few different particles and sub-particles like neutrinos that don't easily categorize (but which all break down ultimately to clock time)) make up all of chemistry as we know it (along with physics which is also a function of clock times of course).
Another crucial feature is that any point is static and all events are fixed so that any spiral will have a fixed history so that we are really tracing a painting and not a machine.
But we have to get to spirals before I run out of time.
I suppose that I have to do a drawing to make this clear but we're going to start with just the math.
There are two ways to approach this.  One is to assume that the spirals function the same way, the other is to assume that the higher clock times are only half spirals and that the other half, the half running in the opposite direction are on the separate but equal spirals.  This second concept would mean that for there to be combinations you would have to be at the point of collision of the two main spirals and that would mean (a) we live in this collision state today and (b) the quantum moment we leave it everything will freeze where it is.  If we don't die at that point, then we're frozen till the next collision.  In fact, in such a scenario, we might not even realize that we are between collisions because no changes in clock time states can occur.  I would, however, posit that despite the failure of clock time changes in such a scenario, the fact that changes in space could still occur might lead to some very strange outcomes.  However, we will table that for the moment and concentrate on the other possibility, which is that each spiral off of the primary spiral (one off takes us to ct2, two off to ct3, etc) is actually a spiral running in two directions and its birth and death (size, maximum diameter, what have you) are tied to it's life in a higher state.
The suggested "feed" teaches away from this, because the suggested feed would be like a belt of ammunition feeding through a machine gun.  For each point forward along the primary spiral (ct1), there would be a corresponding movement on the secondary spiral, feeding one on to the other.  There is a way for this to happen with two spirals which would be a collapsing structure where for each movement forward on the main spiral two opposite spirals collapse together.  Because the aspects of this movement gives rise to dimensional, material and energy attributes (information expressed one way or the other) the process can have many different aspects.
It is necessary to mention the concept of ct3 briefly just to understand there are two place it can now come off, the primary or secondary spiral.  While we cannot write off one way or the other, it seems most likely that (since the single quantum point is in one state) that it comes off of the primary spiral so that you'd have the two at, say, right angles, and ct4, for example, would come off at a right angle to both (therefore looking to us like a 5th dimension).
It is, however, possible that the higher state comes of of the secondary spiral, but only at the point where the primary spiral and secondary spiral intersect.  With this point being common, the difference may be academic, it can have significant consequences.  One relates to what is observed with concentration which has to do with the stability.
We see a fairly rapid transition between ct2 and ct3 (photonic and wave aspects of energy); but when you tie in a third "secondary" spiral to get to ct4, the shift between the ct3 and ct4 state is more difficult.  This reflects both the concentration of information represented and also the fact that it is harder to shift between these states and the thermodynamic qualities of these changes define the interaction.
The most fantastic part of this is best seen graphically.  Two clock times coming off of a single point with positive and negative arms would resemble a plus sign before the arms turned 90 degrees in response to the 3/5 ratio.  So with ct2 you would have two arms possible going in either direction and to the extent there were two such arms they would form the four.  If we allow the next clock time to originate from one of these four arms and to move along them it may intersect them 4 times.  2 times intersecting two arms to give a compression state of four.  To the extent this allowed with additional dimensions you will achieve the exponential compression through the intersection of a single spiral intersection spirals as long as it can go off of each arm as many times, one positive for position, one negative for force characteristics, for example. More importantly, this single spiral (f-series intersecting spiral off of another f-series intersecting spiral and running perpendicular) will tie the spiral arms intersected together, causing them to be forced to change together thereby explaining how the higher clock time states change together.
This is easily seen by drawing a spiral and then drawing another spiral at right angles but having at least one point in common with the first or drawing a cross and having each arm bisected by a box, at least for 2 to 4 clock times.  I have drawn this and extrapolated it out to 2^4 states of compression, I have shown how infinite variety can occur to the main arm by the positioning of the new spontaneous combinations along any point on these spirals off of the main spiral, but I have nothing left tonight. I can only apologize for even starting this.
Tomorrow, perhaps I will pick up my pen again and show you, or perhaps not.  I cannot tell tonight if there is a tomorrow.

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