
Friday, October 9, 2015

nlc-mightmares 3

I determined tonight
I would probably not love again
which is not to say that I don't love
It only recognizes my feelings so deep
that even before we consummated out love
that it was useless to try to love another
Perhaps if you died, and I somehow knew it
I could try again, if I could overcome memory
if I could believe you were unreachable
the end of life stood between us
or would I fight even death
Until I knew how deep love could be
starved desire fed with stolen opportunity
I imagined the possibility of loving someone else
now I know that would be impossible
I am old now, so old that I am no longer slave
to the youthful passions that once ran my life
that I might even blame for my indiscretions
at least in part too smart to not know my folly
the joy of the body marred by feelings of infidelity
to a memory stronger than passion, at least in old age
to those of you who look for love
as deep and as pure as what I had found
I wish you good fortune and if you should find it
the wisdom to hold onto it at any cost
a wisdom I found lacking in myself
but though I wallow in what was lost
yet I know that I loved longer
and deeper than humans were meant to
which allows me to understand
what is unavailable to those who haven't loved and lost
and therefore have not achieved perspective
will never know, be thankful for your ignorance

One of the great proofs inherent in NLC is that all dimensions (not just time) must change in only one direction.  This is true in a fixed model universe, even of the type shown in EHT where everything happens at once because you can't have everything happening at the same point (or can you).  Thiss determination led to the intersectinf f series model as at least onr of several models using logarithmic spirals tied to gravity moving towards non linearity and constant movement in one direction and allowing for particle non partical pair interaction and exponential compression.  it may be the wrong model to start with but that is a lot of conjunctions (ands).This was discussed earlier, for those of you who just pop in to read a post or two and you're welcome to go back or weight for the publication (which, sadly, will be devoid of poetry).  This movement in only one direction of all dimensions is tied to the movement of the universe.  I'm sure there are a band of apocalyptic "road warrior" physicists who are even now planning a space launched super collider to accelerate particles so that they achieve a single particle at the same spot (or an earlier spot), to prove the absence of one directional linearity; but the rules of NLC state this is impossible and this would prevent the rogue physicists from succeeding even if it required additional movement (such as the universe spinning around or spinning around some body between universes.  The model has to hold and the net movement has to match, one way or another, the speed of light  prevents an aberration by preventing a speed sufficient to overcome on directional movement and what we experience and cause to a lesser degree, is only the relative slowing of one dimension relative to another, one coordinate relative to another..
This rule is no different that the speed limit on light which is even more fanciful and less correct.  Less correct because it is based on movement, whereas the limits on moving any dimensional coordinate backwards is based on the fixed nature of the lines of the universe.

A one way universe and the F-series spiral:

So, all dimensions always change in only one direction and never reach the same point again...except when they do!  This is a possibility, despite the otherwise certain logic to the contrary, possible only if the lines of coordinate change in a fixed universe bend back on themselves.  This is actually what is shown by the intersecting spiral model which may, in turn, explain the changing "spin" upon the intersection of points in two intersecting spirals.  This is because any points which come back to the same point must reverse themselves, change fundamentally, or violate the rule of no data at the same point twice.  On a quantum level, it would be like seeing yourself coming down the street.
 Indeed, for such an event to be set up, it stands to reason that the laws of physics, perhaps the play of time itself, must move contrary and even to the same degree before it is achievable or having the net effect of such a reversal.  The F-series spirals show this in mirror images to that which we experience.
In the linear model, as stated before these changes might be instantaneous and at 90 degrees (no a mirror image at first, just at right angles before turning to mirror images before the collision.  In the curved model, whether actual curves or just perceived curves off the linear F-series,  this reversal might be a gradual transition, as if the observers slowly were losing their mind subject to a galactic, universal gas lighting.  They might experience, before physics failed their life functions, broken coffee cups, left as gifts of solicitude and tokens of a deep love, smashed in anger, rise from the ground and reassemble themselves.  Perhaps they would be able to see a broken heart mend itself.

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