
Saturday, October 10, 2015

NLC-time orbits after the application of Fibonacci F-series part 7

This is a rather long post
I would skip it if I were you
so excuse the prose
whether real or imaginary
fictional or real life
Sometimes it pours forth
and if it fits within a post
I hurts me less to include it
than not to write it out.
But you know that parts are true
The history speaks for itself
it doesn't change
no one is farsighted enough
to set up a history like ours
except the NLC is the history of ours
so when I make these wild statements
you, the only one that has to understand
to know there is more than a grain
of truth among what you'd call lies
what I call tragic irony
in a universe run by irony
we figure out what is important
when we're too old to appreciate it
Eyes burning, joints aching
visceral pains from disease and aging
memories too difficult to put off
I write what I like,
you read into it what you want

WE talked before about ability of the F-series spiral to continue out.  At the bottom of this, you can see a spread sheet where this is done and the spreadsheet stops, but could go as long as the F-series does (forever, or practically when you run out of bits of information in the universe).  This means that at each stage you have two seemingly inconsistent states.  One is that you have completed the spiral and are moving back in even though the spiral comes back out.  The other is that the information going out in the outward bound spiral meets the information coming back in at the same point.  The points are, of course, not in exactly the same location they were before (see the drawing, each is an orbit above the other) but the same point seems to occupy the same space twice relative to the other information moving in the opposite direction.
This part of the theory is intriguing because of the idea of virtual particle pairs, quantum tunneling, and the like.  In the discussion immediately preceding this one (timewise) we talked about how at these intersections (remember that going out and coming back occurs in NLC with the same amount of information (no new information balanced as positive and negative occurs contrary to quantum mechanics which allows for this same type of expansion, but by increasing positive and negative mater or matter and anti matter at the same rate) but in NLC one line starts totally organized (compression is 100%-ctx where x is 1/2 of all the information in the universe) and the other is completely uncompressed (ct1=space).  In this way the outward moving ctx includes very slow changes compared to ct1 which is changing at the fastest rate possible even though the net change is the same for both for each movement along the spiral.  This suggests that they ctx spiral arm would look like a huge tube and the ct1 spiral would be a perfect line, but since dimension is meaningless in the equation, this is not the case.  We do, however, observed exponential (2^n) intersections which brings back the one to x analysis which was covered previously for intersecting spirals having this ctx/ct1 feature.
One can look at these spirals as representing two different aspects (one compressed, one uncompressed initially changing eventually to our state of ct4) of thermodynamics.  One is the thermodynamics of space (ct1), the other is the thermodynamics of super massive whatever it is (ctx)
  What matters in this discussion, however, is what happens when the spirals meet again.  This "forced" meeting ties one state of thermodynamics to the following and previous state of thermodynamic.  If the two states did not meet (if one state had different laws of thermodynamics) then it could not come back to the same place as the compressed state going out (or uncompresed state going out) a lower series of spirals.  This either requires that changes to the laws of physics stay the same throughout, or that they change but then change back again.  The net effect is to prevent physics from changing because the lower state physics has to meet up with the higher state physics at these fixed points; but there is no reason why the F-series spirals cannot change and then change back which is what the model (drawing previously) shows.
I think I used 300 plus spirals going outward (see below to see my calculations in spreadsheet form) just to give a number and that we were 4 or 5 going in, but F-series allows that the number of spirals can continue, meaning information may be less concentrated than what I refer to as ct1 (if we are in ct5 or 6).

I would have thought when I figured out what a black hole was, doing away with all the messiness of worm holes, space collapse and other pre-NLC nonsense (see earlier posts or wait for the book) that I would have been invited to speak at NASA, cal tec or at least gotten a letter of congratulations from Hawkins for having ruined a large part of his work over the last 20 years.  Of course, no one would want to admit they were wrong in a capitalist country where intellectual capital is as measurable as dollars, but you'd think maybe the Russians would ask me to speak.  What's that organization (CCCP?) that puts its logos on all the Russian space craft?  I suppose the reason I didn't is because of the problem with the scale of information theory 2, 4, 16, 32 not lining up well with what is observed (16, 38 for ct3-4, ct4-5 respectively).  I will admit that this leaves me puzzled also.  I know that I have to get there.
The first place I looked was to Euler (since we're using F-series trying to fit e into the equation seemed like a good idea.  Euler, for the non-physicists, hijacked the letter e in physics (e is for exponential and Euler is what he says, but everyone knows he was engaged in a sesame street type criminal act-today's show is brought to you by Euler who is hiding behind the letter E) in an attempt to achieve immortality, or so the physics joke goes, but he says it just stands for exponential.  We all know what you were up to Euler.  Of course physics jokes are not typically very funny (beware of quantum ducks-qwark qwark, for example)..
For those of you who need a refresher, the math problem that NLC leaves poorly answered is the transition from matter to black holes in terms of compression state:
e=mc^2 using the units of measurement selected fits well within the ct3-ct4 information transition of 10^3-10^4 for information theory compression (for each bit of information the processing power increases 2^n) and c^2 could be seen as 10^8*2 or 16 which is 2^4.  Unfortunately, that would mean the next transition would be expected to yield 10^32 (2^5*2) and instead it yields a rather sloppy 10^38 (minimum size black hole).  Now there are many ways to explain this, the best being that the smallest observed black hole contains 10^6 weight in non-black hole matter, that is using the event horizon as a point of reference, between the event horizon and the hole observed there is 10^6 of non-black hole material bumping around that makes the black hole look heavier than it is.  This explanation is actually quite easy to understand.  We see empty space between atoms and there was a recent nobel prize recognizing what NLC dictated, namely that neutrinos have mass.  We can see this in atoms where electrons and neutrons together give the total mass.  Electrons don't weigh much, but they are in orbit and weigh something.  One can then presume there is a "perfect" black hole with no matter around it that weighs according to a proportional scale 10^32 as compared with matter's 10^16th in energy.  Perhaps we haven't found this perfect black hole because it's harder to see something if it contains no matter at all, harking back to other pre-nlc nonsense (along with higgs bosons and strings) like primordial black holes which would not be stable according to NLC.  I did try other ways.
I did try other things.
Perhaps this variation is due to changing the power of concentration.  For example, in our universe base 10 to get 10^16, but why not a base 9 in other concentration states or base 11?  Base 350?  Information theory in our spiral need not be special, but we know from a straight concentration state in going from ct4 to ct5 it doesn't hold perfectly.  Similarly e may vary itself with the addition of coordinates.  It is said that intelligent life as we understand it requires certain rules to exist, including the rules of mathematics and 3 dimensions (plus time) to allow for stable orbits and the like, but in higher concentration states with more dimensions, the rules don't necessarily change, but the universe in which they operate is more complicated.  In this way, the same rules of physics apply to black holes, but they have another coordinate changing at the same time, slowing the overall rate of change (we will, eventually, get to spirals off of spirals in more depth, maybe anyway) but in terms of performance in three dimensional space terms, there is no change.  The same is true for one and two coordinate pieces (energy/photonic energy/space forming ct1,2 and 3).  These all exist with fewer dimensions but move about in what we call (in our conceit) three dimensional space because we fail to recognize that the main spirals represent thermodynamics, but that the spirals off of these represent dimension even though they are just additional coordinates which leave the thermodynamic lines alone no matter how many coordinates change at once.
Euler's numbers were much worse, of course (2.7-2, 7.4-4, 20-8,54-16,148-32).  Obviously 32 is much closer to the observed 38 for black holes than 148 (10^38 quantum gravity units vs 10^148 qgu).  If the added mass is not in orbit around the black hole, NLC isn't developed enough would be the short answer.  For those of you who are wondering, I was able to come up with a formula that was closer to what was observed, although I had no reason for it so I give it here only as a curiosity.  If you take the e and square it (e result^2, and the information theory result and square it (2 result ^2) and add these squares then take the square root of the result you get 39 for the ct4-5 and 15 for the ct3-ct4 transition.  It sort of falls apart as an analysis after that, but we don't observe those changes (if you're curious and don't want to do the math, for ct2-3 you get 5.9 and ct1-ct2 1.7 roughly).  These numbers are much better than the other numbers (16 and 32 expected vs 16 and 39 observed) but there's no reason other than coincidence to get there so I'm far from satisfied that there is a reason to think the answer lies in this direction..
Now some of you are asking why someone would look to this tortured math.  My thoughts turned sqrt(m^2+m1^2)/2 is modeled rather loosely on the gravity equation; but the truth is that I wanted to find some equation, no matter how tortured it might be, to get to the observed compression states.  I could just as easily have added 6 at the ct4-ct5 state (i.e. 2^n+6) to get there and it would make as much sense.
But I digress.

For those of you who wonder about whether I really look at the numbers or not, I leave you with some spreadsheet data showing the distances for right angle transitions in the F-series and the areas involved within the series to puzzle out if you'd like.  I can explain these fairly easily, but no one seems very interested in speaking engagements, so I'll leave it to you to ponder them while I ponder why I'm not speaking at Stanford or the Kremlin this weekend.

radius/fibonacci area tot area 1/4 cirle diff ratios information theory
pi 3.142 r^2 pir^2/4 area out of acr/area in arc area in arc/area total
1 x not relevant to arc lengt
1 1 0.7855 0.2145 0.273074475 0.7855 1
2 4 3.142 0.858 0.273074475 0.7855 2 photon
3 9 7.0695 1.9305 0.273074475 0.7855 4 light
5 0.625 25 19.6375 5.3625 0.273074475 0.7855 8 matter
8 0.615385 64 50.272 13.728 0.273074475 0.7855 16 black hole
13 0.619048 169 132.7495 36.2505 0.273074475 0.7855 32
21 0.617647 441 346.4055 94.5945 0.273074475 0.7855 64
34 0.618182 1156 908.038 247.962 0.273074475 0.7855 128
55 0.617978 3025 2376.1375 648.8625 0.273074475 0.7855 256
89 0.618056 7921 6221.9455 1699.0545 0.273074475 0.7855 512
144 0.618026 20736 16288.128 4447.872 0.273074475 0.7855 1024
233 0.618037 54289 42644.0095 11644.9905 0.273074475 0.7855 2048
377 0.618033 142129 111642.3295 30486.6705 0.273074475 0.7855 4096
610 0.618034 372100 292284.55 79815.45 0.273074475 0.7855 8192
987 0.618034 974169 765209.7495 208959.251 0.273074475 0.7855 16384
1597 0.618034 2550409 2003346.27 547062.731 0.273074475 0.7855 32768
2584 0.618034 6677056 5244827.488 1432228.51 0.273074475 0.7855 65536
4181 0.618034 17480761 13731137.77 3749623.23 0.273074475 0.7855 131072
6765 0.618034 45765225 35948584.24 9816640.76 0.273074475 0.7855 262144
10946 0.618034 119814916 94114616.52 25700299.5 0.273074475 0.7855 524288
17711 0.618034 313679521 246395263.7 67284257.3 0.273074475 0.7855 1048576
28657 0.618034 821223649 645071176.3 176152473 0.273074475 0.7855 2097152
46368 0.618034 2149991424 1688818264 461173160 0.273074475 0.7855 4194304
75025 0.618034 5628750625 4421383616 1207367009 0.273074475 0.7855 8388608
121393 0.618034 14736260449 11575332583 3160927866 0.273074475 0.7855 16777216
196418 0.618034 38580030724 30304614134 8275416590 0.273074475 0.7855 33554432
317811 0.618034 1.01004E+11 79338509817 2.1665E+10 0.273074475 0.7855 67108864
514229 2.64431E+11 2.07711E+11 5.6721E+10 0.273074475 0.7855 1.34E+08


overlap overhang/side overhandtotal calc
2 0 0 1 2 for next series
3 0 Plus 1 plus 4 2xoverhang overlap
5 0.4 2 3 6 6 8
8 0 minus 3 plus 2 2
13 0.615384615 8 5 10 10 18
21 0 minus 2 plus 14 14
34 0.529411765 18 16 32 32 50
55 0 minus 11 plus 28 28
89 0.561797753 50 39 78 78 128
144 0 82
233 0.549356223 128 105 210 210 338
377 0
610 0.554098361 338 272 544 544 882
987 0
1597 0.552285535 882 715 1430 0.6 1430 2312
2584 0
4181 0.552977757 2312 1869 3738 3738 6050
6765 0
10946 0.55271332 6050 4896 9792 9792 15842
17711 0
28657 0.552814321 15842 12815 25630 25630 41472
46368 0
75025 0.552775741 41472 33553 67106 67106 108578
121393 0
196418 0.552790477 108578 87840 175680 175680 284258
317811 0
514229 0.552784849 284258 229971 459942 459942 744200
832040 0
1346269 0.552786999 744200 602069 1204138 1204138 1948338
2178309 0
3524578 0.552786178 1948338 1576240 3152480 3152480 5100818
5702887 0
9227465 0.552786491 5100818 4126647 8253294 8253294 13354112
14930352 0
24157817 0.552786371 13354112 10803705 21607410 21607410 34961522
39088169 0
63245986 0.552786417 34961522 28284464 56568928 56568928 91530450
102334155 0
165580141 0.5527864 91530450 74049691 148099382 1.48E+08 239629832
267914296 0
433494437 0.552786406 239629832 193864605 387729210 3.88E+08 627359042
701408733 0
1134903170 0.552786404 627359042 507544128 1015088256 1.02E+09 1642447298
1836311903 0
2971215073 0.552786405 1642447298 1328767775 2657535550 2.66E+09 4299982848
4807526976 0
7778742049 0.552786404 4299982848 3478759201 6957518402 6.96E+09 11257501250
12586269025 0
20365011074 0.552786405 11257501250 9107509824 18215019648 1.82E+10 29472520898
32951280099 0
53316291173 0.552786404 29472520898 2.3844E+10 47687540550 4.77E+10 77160061448
86267571272 0
1.39584E+11 0.552786405 77160061448 6.2424E+10 1.24848E+11 1.25E+11 2.02008E+11
2.25851E+11 0
3.65435E+11 0.552786404 2.02008E+11 1.6343E+11 3.26855E+11 3.27E+11 5.28863E+11
5.91287E+11 0
9.56722E+11 0.552786405 5.28863E+11 4.2786E+11 8.55718E+11 8.56E+11 1.38458E+12
1.54801E+12 0
2.50473E+12 0.552786404 1.38458E+12 1.1201E+12 2.2403E+12 2.24E+12 3.62488E+12
4.05274E+12 0
6.55747E+12 0.552786405 3.62488E+12 2.9326E+12 5.86518E+12 5.87E+12 9.49006E+12
1.06102E+13 0
1.71677E+13 0.552786404 9.49006E+12 7.6776E+12 1.53552E+13 1.54E+13 2.48453E+13
2.77779E+13 0
4.49456E+13 0.552786405 2.48453E+13 2.01E+13 4.02005E+13 4.02E+13 6.50458E+13
7.27235E+13 0
1.17669E+14 0.552786405 6.50458E+13 5.2623E+13 1.05246E+14 1.05E+14 1.70292E+14
1.90392E+14 0
3.08062E+14 0.552786405 1.70292E+14 1.3777E+14 2.75539E+14 2.76E+14 4.45831E+14
4.98454E+14 0
8.06516E+14 0.552786405 4.45831E+14 3.6068E+14 7.21369E+14 7.21E+14 1.1672E+15
1.30497E+15 0
2.11149E+15 0.552786405 1.1672E+15 9.4428E+14 1.88857E+15 1.89E+15 3.05577E+15
3.41645E+15 0
5.52794E+15 0.552786405 3.05577E+15 2.4722E+15 4.94434E+15 4.94E+15 8.00011E+15
8.94439E+15 0
1.44723E+16 0.552786405 8.00011E+15 6.4722E+15 1.29444E+16 1.29E+16 2.09446E+16
2.34167E+16 0
3.78891E+16 0.552786405 2.09446E+16 1.6945E+16 3.3889E+16 3.39E+16 5.48336E+16
6.13058E+16 0
9.91949E+16 0.552786405 5.48336E+16 4.4361E+16 8.87226E+16 8.87E+16 1.43556E+17
2.59695E+17 0.552786405 1.43556E+17 1.1614E+17 2.32279E+17 2.32E+17 3.75835E+17
6.79892E+17 0.552786405 3.75835E+17 3.0406E+17 6.08114E+17 6.08E+17 9.83948E+17
1.77998E+18 0.552786405 9.83948E+17 7.9603E+17 1.59206E+18 1.59E+18 2.57601E+18
2.88007E+18 0
4.66005E+18 0.552786405 2.57601E+18 2.084E+18 4.16807E+18 4.17E+18 6.74408E+18
7.54011E+18 0
1.22002E+19 0.552786405 6.74408E+18 5.4561E+18 1.09122E+19 1.09E+19 1.76562E+19
1.97403E+19 0
3.19404E+19 0.552786405 1.76562E+19 1.4284E+19 2.85684E+19 2.86E+19 4.62246E+19
5.16807E+19 0
8.36211E+19 0.552786405 4.62246E+19 3.7397E+19 7.4793E+19 7.48E+19 1.21018E+20
2.18923E+20 0.552786405 1.21018E+20 9.7905E+19 1.95811E+20 1.96E+20 3.16828E+20
5.73148E+20 0.552786405 3.16828E+20 2.5632E+20 5.12639E+20 5.13E+20 8.29467E+20
1.50052E+21 0.552786405 8.29467E+20 6.7105E+20 1.34211E+21 1.34E+21 2.17157E+21
2.42789E+21 0
3.92841E+21 0.552786405 2.17157E+21 1.7568E+21 3.51368E+21 3.51E+21 5.68525E+21
6.35631E+21 0
1.02847E+22 0.552786405 5.68525E+21 4.5995E+21 9.19893E+21 9.2E+21 1.48842E+22
1.6641E+22 0
2.69257E+22 0.552786405 1.48842E+22 1.2042E+22 2.40831E+22 2.41E+22 3.89673E+22
4.35668E+22 0
7.04925E+22 0.552786405 3.89673E+22 3.1525E+22 6.30504E+22 6.31E+22 1.02018E+23
1.84552E+23 0.552786405 1.02018E+23 8.2534E+22 1.65068E+23 1.65E+23 2.67086E+23
4.83163E+23 0.552786405 2.67086E+23 2.1608E+23 4.32154E+23 4.32E+23 6.9924E+23
1.26494E+24 0.552786405 6.9924E+23 5.657E+23 1.13139E+24 1.13E+24 1.83063E+24
2.04671E+24 0
3.31165E+24 0.552786405 1.83063E+24 1.481E+24 2.96203E+24 2.96E+24 4.79266E+24
5.35836E+24 0
8.67001E+24 0.552786405 4.79266E+24 3.8773E+24 7.75469E+24 7.75E+24 1.25474E+25
1.40284E+25 0
2.26984E+25 0.552786405 1.25474E+25 1.0151E+25 2.0302E+25 2.03E+25 3.28494E+25
3.67267E+25 0
5.94251E+25 0.552786405 3.28494E+25 2.6576E+25 5.31514E+25 5.32E+25 8.60008E+25
1.55577E+26 0.552786405 8.60008E+25 6.9576E+25 1.39152E+26 1.39E+26 2.25153E+26
4.07306E+26 0.552786405 2.25153E+26 1.8215E+26 3.64305E+26 3.64E+26 5.89458E+26
1.06634E+27 0.552786405 5.89458E+26 4.7688E+26 9.53764E+26 9.54E+26 1.54322E+27
1.72538E+27 0
2.79172E+27 0.552786405 1.54322E+27 1.2485E+27 2.49699E+27 2.5E+27 4.04021E+27
4.51709E+27 0
7.30881E+27 0.552786405 4.04021E+27 3.2686E+27 6.53719E+27 6.54E+27 1.05774E+28
1.18259E+28 0
1.91347E+28 0.552786405 1.05774E+28 8.5573E+27 1.71146E+28 1.71E+28 2.7692E+28
3.09606E+28 0
5.00953E+28 0.552786405 2.7692E+28 2.2403E+28 4.48066E+28 4.48E+28 7.24986E+28
1.31151E+29 0.552786405 7.24986E+28 5.8653E+28 1.17305E+29 1.17E+29 1.89804E+29
3.43358E+29 0.552786405 1.89804E+29 1.5355E+29 3.07109E+29 3.07E+29 4.96913E+29
8.98924E+29 0.552786405 4.96913E+29 4.0201E+29 8.04022E+29 8.04E+29 1.30093E+30
1.45449E+30 0
2.35341E+30 0.552786405 1.30093E+30 1.0525E+30 2.10496E+30 2.1E+30 3.40589E+30
3.8079E+30 0
6.16131E+30 0.552786405 3.40589E+30 2.7554E+30 5.51085E+30 5.51E+30 8.91674E+30
9.96922E+30 0
1.61305E+31 0.552786405 8.91674E+30 7.2138E+30 1.44276E+31 1.44E+31 2.33443E+31
2.60997E+31 0
4.22303E+31 0.552786405 2.33443E+31 1.8886E+31 3.77719E+31 3.78E+31 6.11162E+31
1.1056E+32 0.552786405 6.11162E+31 4.9444E+31 9.88881E+31 9.89E+31 1.60004E+32
2.89451E+32 0.552786405 1.60004E+32 1.2945E+32 2.58893E+32 2.59E+32 4.18897E+32
7.57792E+32 0.552786405 4.18897E+32 3.3889E+32 6.77789E+32 6.78E+32 1.09669E+33
1.22613E+33 0
1.98392E+33 0.552786405 1.09669E+33 8.8724E+32 1.77448E+33 1.77E+33 2.87116E+33
3.21006E+33 0
5.19398E+33 0.552786405 2.87116E+33 2.3228E+33 4.64564E+33 4.65E+33 7.5168E+33
8.40404E+33 0
1.3598E+34 0.552786405 7.5168E+33 6.0812E+33 1.21624E+34 1.22E+34 1.96792E+34
2.20021E+34 0
3.56001E+34 0.552786405 1.96792E+34 1.5921E+34 3.18417E+34 3.18E+34 5.15209E+34
9.32022E+34 0.552786405 5.15209E+34 4.1681E+34 8.33626E+34 8.34E+34 1.34884E+35
2.44007E+35 0.552786405 1.34884E+35 1.0912E+35 2.18246E+35 2.18E+35 3.5313E+35
6.38817E+35 0.552786405 3.5313E+35 2.8569E+35 5.71376E+35 5.71E+35 9.24505E+35
1.03363E+36 0
1.67245E+36 0.552786405 9.24505E+35 7.4794E+35 1.49588E+36 1.5E+36 2.42039E+36
2.70607E+36 0
4.37852E+36 0.552786405 2.42039E+36 1.9581E+36 3.91627E+36 3.92E+36 6.33665E+36
7.08459E+36 0
1.14631E+37 0.552786405 6.33665E+36 5.1265E+36 1.02529E+37 1.03E+37 1.65896E+37
1.85477E+37 0
3.00108E+37 0.552786405 1.65896E+37 1.3421E+37 2.68425E+37 2.68E+37 4.34321E+37
7.85694E+37 0.552786405 4.34321E+37 3.5137E+37 7.02746E+37 7.03E+37 1.13707E+38
2.05697E+38 0.552786405 1.13707E+38 9.1991E+37 1.83981E+38 1.84E+38 2.97688E+38
5.38522E+38 0.552786405 2.97688E+38 2.4083E+38 4.81669E+38 4.82E+38 7.79357E+38
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3.01613E+51 0
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7.89633E+51 0
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2.1434E+57 0
3.4681E+57 0.552786405 1.91712E+57 1.551E+57 3.10196E+57 3.1E+57 5.01908E+57
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9.0796E+57 0.552786405 5.01908E+57 4.0605E+57 8.12104E+57 8.12E+57 1.31401E+58
2.37707E+58 0.552786405 1.31401E+58 1.0631E+58 2.12612E+58 2.13E+58 3.44013E+58
6.22325E+58 0.552786405 3.44013E+58 2.7831E+58 5.56624E+58 5.57E+58 9.00637E+58
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2.63621E+59 0
4.26548E+59 0.552786405 2.3579E+59 1.9076E+59 3.81516E+59 3.82E+59 6.17306E+59
6.90169E+59 0
1.11672E+60 0.552786405 6.17306E+59 4.9941E+59 9.98822E+59 9.99E+59 1.61613E+60
1.80689E+60 0
2.9236E+60 0.552786405 1.61613E+60 1.3075E+60 2.61495E+60 2.61E+60 4.23108E+60
4.73049E+60 0
7.65409E+60 0.552786405 4.23108E+60 3.423E+60 6.84603E+60 6.85E+60 1.10771E+61
2.00387E+61 0.552786405 1.10771E+61 8.9616E+60 1.79231E+61 1.79E+61 2.90002E+61
5.24619E+61 0.552786405 2.90002E+61 2.3462E+61 4.69234E+61 4.69E+61 7.59236E+61
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2.22232E+62 0
3.59579E+62 0.552786405 1.98771E+62 1.6081E+62 3.21618E+62 3.22E+62 5.20388E+62
5.81812E+62 0
9.41391E+62 0.552786405 5.20388E+62 4.21E+62 8.42006E+62 8.42E+62 1.36239E+63
1.5232E+63 0
2.46459E+63 0.552786405 1.36239E+63 1.1022E+63 2.2044E+63 2.2E+63 3.56679E+63
3.9878E+63 0
6.45239E+63 0.552786405 3.56679E+63 2.8856E+63 5.77119E+63 5.77E+63 9.33799E+63
1.68926E+64 0.552786405 9.33799E+63 7.5546E+63 1.51092E+64 1.51E+64 2.44472E+64
4.42253E+64 0.552786405 2.44472E+64 1.9778E+64 3.95563E+64 3.96E+64 6.40035E+64
1.15783E+65 0.552786405 6.40035E+64 5.178E+64 1.0356E+65 1.04E+65 1.67563E+65
1.87342E+65 0
3.03125E+65 0.552786405 1.67563E+65 1.3556E+65 2.71123E+65 2.71E+65 4.38687E+65
4.90466E+65 0
7.93591E+65 0.552786405 4.38687E+65 3.549E+65 7.0981E+65 7.1E+65 1.1485E+66
1.28406E+66 0
2.07765E+66 0.552786405 1.1485E+66 9.2915E+65 1.85831E+66 1.86E+66 3.0068E+66
3.36171E+66 0
5.43936E+66 0.552786405 3.0068E+66 2.4326E+66 4.86511E+66 4.87E+66 7.87191E+66
1.42404E+67 0.552786405 7.87191E+66 6.3685E+66 1.2737E+67 1.27E+67 2.06089E+67
3.72819E+67 0.552786405 2.06089E+67 1.6673E+67 3.33459E+67 3.33E+67 5.39549E+67
9.76053E+67 0.552786405 5.39549E+67 4.365E+67 8.73008E+67 8.73E+67 1.41256E+68
1.57929E+68 0
2.55534E+68 0.552786405 1.41256E+68 1.1428E+68 2.28557E+68 2.29E+68 3.69812E+68
4.13463E+68 0
6.68997E+68 0.552786405 3.69812E+68 2.9918E+68 5.98369E+68 5.98E+68 9.68181E+68
1.08246E+69 0
1.75146E+69 0.552786405 9.68181E+68 7.8327E+68 1.56655E+69 1.57E+69 2.53473E+69
2.83392E+69 0
4.58537E+69 0.552786405 2.53473E+69 2.0506E+69 4.10128E+69 4.1E+69 6.63601E+69
1.20047E+70 0.552786405 6.63601E+69 5.3686E+69 1.07373E+70 1.07E+70 1.73733E+70
3.14286E+70 0.552786405 1.73733E+70 1.4055E+70 2.81106E+70 2.81E+70 4.54839E+70
8.22811E+70 0.552786405 4.54839E+70 3.6797E+70 7.35945E+70 7.36E+70 1.19078E+71
2.15415E+71 0.552786405 1.19078E+71 9.6336E+70 1.92673E+71 1.93E+71 3.11751E+71
5.63963E+71 0.552786405 3.11751E+71 2.5221E+71 5.04424E+71 5.04E+71 8.16175E+71
1.47648E+72 0.552786405 8.16175E+71 6.603E+71 1.3206E+72 1.32E+72 2.13678E+72
3.86546E+72 0.552786405 2.13678E+72 1.7287E+72 3.45737E+72 3.46E+72 5.59415E+72

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