
Thursday, October 15, 2015

NLC-The Static Model and the F series

I'm currently reading about a polar expedition after the civil war during Grant's time in the presidency.  I also continue to swim outside in an increasingly cold pool.  I'm sore because I have to swim so much so that my mind is cleared, so that I'm too tired to think, to tired to stay awake so I can sleep till 4.  It is little enough to ask.
I will come back to the F-series in detail, but I want to take a minute to reflect and to discuss the dried sealing wax of the universe.
The spiral model would tend to look like a method for building a universe and mathematics (inconsistencies solved by NLC-lists are available in this post and in the published volumes although they are not updated), predict-abilities and observed phenomena (see prior volumes/posts especially the observations of black holes pre NLC) as well as Einstein suggest that the universe is fixed.  As has been pointed out there is no legitimate difference between a totally pre-ordained universe (i.e. one governed by rules of physics) and one where everything happens at once except in the durability of the fabric.  Since NLC requires that there is no true dimension and especially no true time, the idea of a dimension or time based failure of durability is nonsensical at worst and at best contraindicated.  You can, of course, argue the universe is contraindicated, but I'm typing this so we have to work from there although I would be the first to volunteer that I don't exist, but perhaps I should save that for another post.
In an information based universe where time is clearly ruled out a time based universe is asinine, much as you'd like to think differently. Similarly, dimension is a phenomena of the data and is almost as meaningless as time which is what led to the spiral model to begin with.  That is the F series is a method of expressing fixed data with dimensional qualities which vary based on a formula.  The data is not carved into a pattern by the F-series, instead, it can be thought of more as a hologram where, depending on where you look at the fixed data it appears to have a different layout or even varies over time.  The hologram universe theory is actually the basis for a non-linear, non-dimensional, non-time based universe for this very reason.  For those who haven't read EHT, it shows how the combination of hologram theory and Einstein's reflections on time yield a universe where everything happens at once which requires an absence of time and this in turn prevents a dimension which you can look along to view time.  So, the obvious question becomes, who uses spirals to view the dimensionless information.  One answer is that we do.  At any given point, we have enough of a connection to the spiral to have information from the past and the future.  While some of you might believe our grasp of the past is better, I would disagree.  Our opinion of what happened before is largely illusory and often times incorrect (what did you dream two night ago?  did you dream about me?)  whereas we can predict with some certainty what will happen next, we even believe intuitively (if incorrectly) that we can control what happens next.  I can type "I want to hear from you" and having typed it be fairly certain that I wrote that only by looking back and seeing it, but before I wrote it I knew it would happen if I wanted it.  Which is the better connection?  NLC says neither is better since at any point along quantum lines the past and future are fixed and the knowledge of the past and future are fixed.
Let's look at this quantum instant which even the stupidist reader (i.e. the one who believes the least in NLC in my example) will admit is likely.  That is there is some length beyond which there is no division (I calculated this with some specificity earlier, although in terms of length since an instant has very little significance if there is no time).  During this quantum instant there is a past and a future.  But there is no ability to "process" the past or future.  Someone who exists in a series of quantum instances, our idiot for example (who is probably a nobel prize winning physicist) cannot during any one instant comprehend anything since comprehension requires that electrons move about in his linear brain.  Non-liinearity means that he has to be able to comprehend without movement based on the fact that the knowledge of past and future exists in that quantum instant which is a unity with the past, present and future quantum points.  If you take a moment to think about it, how can a series of instances where you cannot comprehend be strung together to form a series of instance where you can?  While there are a million ways to try to explain this, they are all a bunch of hooey.  The only logical answer is that in any quantum instant without movement there is sufficient knowledge to make that moment complete.
We can spend interminable time discussing this, the argument can be made that without change thought is impossible and therefore there must be movement in the universe, but this requires that thought be "original".  If thought is a series of steps in physics then you should be able to take the thought and describe it in terms of mathematically defined states at quantum points.  No movement is required.  Our "perception of the thought," longing for example, we feel going on interminably, we imagine all sorts of solutions and wait impatiently for it to be relieved, but at the quantum level it is not such a thing. It is a series of electric-chemical reactions which at any moment are static unless there is no quantum length of time and there is some flow.  The Nobel prize winning idiot says there is a maximum speed limit (also an illusion) but no minimum because if he accepts that there is a minimum amount of time he has to accept that there is no thought at quantum moments and if there is no thought at quantum moments, the thought that exists by stringing them together is an illusion.  But then he has to admit that the information theory of NLC provides a solution  because there is information in the universe and because information must have a minimum amount (yes/no, +/-, forward/back etc) and hence there is a minimum speed marked by the difference between one informational state and the next.
I'm headed to Las Vegas.  I hope to spend some time (alone) in the mountains.  I will be surrounded by people happily gambling away.  I cannot enjoy this, because it is the height of hypocrisy in an NLC universe where chance does not exist.  Even counting cards is irrelevant since the outcome of hard work (easy work for some) is pre-ordained and hence irrelevant.  The time in the mountains will be hard won and as irrelevant as the time in the dice table, but I can bring my small tea cup and I can boil water on an alcohol stove or over some dried brush and drink tea and think of longing and wanting to talk to someone to give my views and listen to theirs. I can wonder if anyone out there understands what I am trying to say here and why the universe sees fit to make me describe the universe and why anyone else listens and if I am lost to the world, then it is only because the world is lost to me.  How will I find it again?

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