
Saturday, August 18, 2018

AuT and the non-miracle of time*

As I ride my donkey against the windmill of entrenched physics, the clarity of my heroism is clear (to me).  One need only type "what is time" into any youtube or other web-browser to see this.  The philosophy, the pathos, the importance, the flexibility, the travel through, the changing of this thing that pre-AuT physics calls time is so nauseating to the men and women of AuT-mancha.

Sadly, being right is not necessarily more romantic, for as a purveyor of romance:

I would prefer a more romantic world.   (The first in the series, I highly recommend it)

One of the many rather disappointing and unromantic disclosures of AuT is the elimination of time except as an effect of quantum change interacting with compression states, and the consequent change and current net degradation of the ct3 states within the ct3-4-5 matrix where we spend all of our time (pun intended).
One may think of the ct1 solutions as a wire capable of getting easily tangled (of ct1 tangling to ctanything) passing very slowly through the print version of the book.  It will change the book.  Each quantum movement with the book has no effect, bunching against the book would have no effect, but if it passes through the book it will change the words and paper ever so slightly.
The book represents a quantum moment, the wire the unraveling line of ct1 which turns into many lines due to entanglement and the consequent near infinite points where it may pull apart, but it may also just increase the position of the book relative to any other point by increasing the number of ct1's vrs ctwhatevers or  if it exits or pushes the book without moving within the interior.
The example that I used was that of a comb pushing against the book, the smooth end going against the pages or the rough (therefor folded) end of the comp pushing.  In one case the book does not age, but its velocity is higher.  In the other it ruffles the pages slightly as it moves along them, in the last it saws into the information of the book.   That is what time is, nothing more or less except that the vibrational nature of compresion and decompression means that the density of the book can increase or decrease over changes of x depending on how where the strand is moving and how entangled it gets with the rest of the book as it passes through.
The book:

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