
Thursday, August 23, 2018

The smoking gun of AuT

I met my goal today of eliminating 100 pages.  That being said, I have only gone through a first draft of the first two sections, overview and equations.
I also swam 2500 yards and walked for 45 minutes but that is another story.
Tomorrow, if things go as planned which I am abandoning other undertakings to make that happen, I plan to do the section on Dimension and perhaps the following section on Force which should, together, eliminate another 2 or 300 pages getting me most of the way to my goal.
Then it is on to Time, large scale results (sort of a version of the list) and Prior art.  My goal is to have a publishable draft, perhaps under the title Algorithm Universe Model First Edition perhaps as early as Monday of next week if I abandon everything else.
I am accepting candidates for the cover, although I am leaning towards the picture of the helium atom.

I am working on this idea that the positive and negative being offset will match with lengths of positive and lengths of negative being offset and replacing beats of time with individual intervening states so that time beats are replaced in the next scale equations with beats of positive and negative.
+---+++++------- is what pi separations looks like.
next you say ---+++-----+++++-------+++++++ and you have shifts from counting x to counting matching of positives and negative pairs which get steadily longer, but which leads to compression when during periods of time when they match.
The idea is that times are offset by having fuses, you have pairs that are offset by a different kind of fuse derived by how long the pairs last as pairs which is much more complicated because so many points within the paired states can change ---+++ can change to +--,++-,-+-,--+, just in the first part of the pairing.  Morever the actual pairing appears to be in 4's.
7,9,11 works to get a hinge of 27 for the four ct2 arms and if -7,9,-11were tobe a hinge for matter, might not a 7,-9,11  hinge set between the four ct2 arms be anti-matter or anti-charge? The sin-1 to sin1 likely holds some clue in this regard.
These then need to be matched up with f(x) and with curvature equations where somehow sin-1 to sin1 yields the same ratio.
Is it possible for me to do this?  I am not sure, but I don't know that it is required that having found the basic pattern and the specific pattern on either side that something has to be left for everyone else.  Any volunteers?

What a process.

I mentioned a story which I will record for posterity of my view of arriving at the data generator in the form of Fpix.

I started with intersecting spirals as a model for generating vibration.
It turned out to be the denominator of pi which was so obvious I missed it even though I worked with it for a year or two while I was developing the spiral model, I explained to a client.
It was like walking into a murder scene, the wife with red lipstick holding a smoking gun, grinding a cigarette under a matching a red stiletto, just outside of the pool of fresh blood which partially covers the divorce papers.
As the investigator, I walked in, took in the scene and said, "I wonder who did it?"
Eventually, however, the process of elimination forced me to arrest the right equation.

This is all a part of a very long editing process.

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