
Friday, August 3, 2018

On the patent

I swam my 2500 yards the day before yesterday, doging between night time and the storms; wondering in the solitude if I would be alone forever, abandoned perhaps, confidence lost in me, set adrift even as I swam.  It was nice because the rains had so filled the pool that I could attempt to overflow it during the fly part of my workout.
Yesterday, I dragged through 1500 yards, more just stretching out but I finished my third day of sessions on my ab machine (the abstructor coming soon to an internet near you) dealing with what seems to be a problem that eating less woudl probably help more than what I was doing.

Sometimes it might be lost that AuT ties -1^n to the denominator of pi, to the fibonacci number to the numerator of pi; in all the answers and potential of the theory. AuT is not just a fundamental model, but it explains the model and why and what we are looking at in the universe.

The draft of the patent is continuing forward, slowly and painfully but forward, fun after a fashion, it allows me to wonder if I might not be able to do something, ahh floating car, is it just too late for me, like everything else, like you?  I am not so sure.
AuT is already out there, complete to the point that any foundational change in things is different, but there is so much to do. The structure of the Milky Way.
I mentioned this drawing in the last post and this one which pre-dates it from my books:
This is so very much important in understanding how dimension works.

Is what really matters is that this week (unlikely) or next, the patent will be filed?
You who live in the practical world might agree with that conceptually, but even more important than that is the disclosure of the underlying workings of the universe.
Nothing like this has ever been written.  Something that not only does the simple work of defining the connection between the universe we experience, pi and the f-series; but something which redefines force, time and dimension.
Nothing is what it was before...well before I came along.
Everything that came before, Newton, Einstein, even Parmenides needs to be revisited and rewritten.
You can take anything that was done before and just erase it from the chalkboard and start all over again.
It is time for that even without the next the 5th edition of book 3 and the patent which may well be secret for the next year, as I fear that it will not be published in the next issue.

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