
Saturday, August 4, 2018

The 8/3/18 patent and Clearing out a backlog of articles without reading them

I am going to swim this morning.  I have to write this to make myself do it.  It would make more sense to wait till things warm up, but logic escapes me.
After that I plan to go to my "romance writers" meeting.

Yes, somehow I write romance as well as solve the secrets of the universe.  It makes as much sense as everything else, living without you, for example.

The whole idea of creativity, and I have written at least 10 fiction books, I need to count them, and working on several more including the third book in the romance series which is all  but done with the final edit, but I digress.  It raises the question, why art in a world of predestination and the only answer i can give is that art, including the art of progress generally, is the only thing that makes AuT questionable.  It is only an illusory question, of course, we are a thin sliver of nothing on the surface of nothing so our great achievements are meaningless to the slave driver underlying math, but I digress again.

Well, I filed the first in what will probably be a series of patents, Application Number       62714443 yesterday.  Take that my competitiors in the contest to do the most weird thing.
On to the second part of ths post.
AuT allows us to just take headlines and prepare discussions and I am going to do that to get rid of a backlog and I can come back later to deal with this as an exercise in the strength of AuT as a (the) theory:
I'm not reading these, but I know what quantum gravity is.  That is the individual steps of compression from ct1 to ct2 as the solutions align.
There are no parallel universes and nothing started with a bang.  However, the solutions can align many different ways, while -1^n and everything else that follows seem to be a single direction solution, other logics are possible.  Everything about AuT, however is designed around an only way to go solution.
Reading these titles without reading the articles is sort of fun, nothing but tag lines.  Infinity doesn't exist in the quantum universe although infinity can exist.  10 on the other hand is easy.  I wonder what they hell they are talking about.  Zero is tough, size in an illusion, 10 as a length, anything as a length is a problem, but values exist as positive or negative.
The nonsense of what came before AuT, the mutiple vrs the single string is worth very little discussion wise.  The problem with string theory is it is based on a lot of dimensional bull shit just like other theories before AuT; but there is some string stuff in AuT and once you reconcile what is not with what is, maybe all the time wasted on string theory will not be a waste.
AuT says that forces come from loading information arms.  So let's talk about super massive black holes.  If there is a minimum size black hole, which there is, and two of them combine, either as intermediary states with a black hole or multiple black holes, they you have the same features as ct4 states combining in the form of a nucleus and once you reach that you are talking about a ct5-ct6 information arm with another force in the universe, one with strangely limited application, but which might indirectly flow down the other information arms to affect the universe around us.
We spoke about the black holes requiring long lifestpans and the longest at one extreme of the universe forming the pocket of black holes at the center of the universe, the ct6 force from the prior paragraph.  Does it matter, for any reason other than the next stage of compression how many there are?  It probably provides a good estimate of the value of x, but I'm a little tired to think too hard about that, but it does make sense that most of the compression in the universe might exist within these if the relative size of the constant before this exponential is not too low.

Created a transitional state?  Maybe, created a black hole.  Not hardly.  Black holes require concentration of ct4 states, something you don't get by compressing one or two together, but you can eliminate the intervening states, it is not a black hole, but it is an indication of a rare alignment of solutions in exponential concentrations, something necessarily only as transient as the fuse lengths of the component parts.
See my earlier posts.  Two parts; one quantum gravity has nothing to do with black holes which so overpower the quantum state (you can find the exact math in the books) that it is something like 10^50 or 60 times larger.  merging black holes do, however, reflect the ct6 forces where the transition to ct6 states at least begins.
Articles about time travel make me want to barf when they try to be serious.  This is because the very quantum change that gives rise to the true quantum universe means that if you reverse x, the whole universe reverts back and the underlying math means we can neither recognize nor change what happens when we are repositions.  However, the patent does (or will since it was filed a little too early) and books deal at least indirectly with this paradox type issue because it allows us to predict the future in concept if not in reality.
not sure whta conundrum they are  talking about but aut shows dark matter to be a tendency of regular matter towards compression and little more, pockets where dark energy is less than gravity as it were.
This sounds like aut, energy is not, instead change over values of x of loading and unloading information arms is. Could it be that in this article they say, by george aut is right?

This is sort of what aut says, that all dimensions co-exist.  Since EM is the one dimensional ct2 loading onto ct3, all magnatism is elements of one and two dimensions so the idea that they have proved what AuT mandates hardly qualifies as news.

Again, AuT has proven that the universal expansion is slowing down, but let these other guys catch up.
The LHC (large hadron colider) is a bunch of pre aut physicist jerking off since quantum change means velocity of particle acceleration is illusory so everything they think they are seeing is wrong.
back to aut defining quantum change, so the fingerprint they are looking for is blasted all over the pages of aut.

waves of change between ct1 and ct2, makes a certain amount of sense, the pre time change concept of the ct1-ct2 exchange, however, might mean these waves  are instead perterbations on the higher ct state folding, sort of like skaking out a folded blanket.
hmmm, where is the hydrogen hiding?  not sure what they are getting at here.  It reminds me of a joke, but I cannot remember it.

good luck addressing this one without opening it.
more like misunderstanding the nature of the universe and coming up with particle theory bull shit of the standard model and whatever they think dark matter is,which itis not
or lord, if it is impossible it does not exist by definition, so what they are really saying is that until they apply the concepts ofaut to what is thought of dimensional states previously they do notknow what they are dealing with.

hooray, the last one.  time is not even a thing, just an effect so they do not know what they are naming, but it is just another example of missing the point.
Want the point, it is out there, and now subject to a patent application!  Welcome to the new age.

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