
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Computer simulation or something less and Fireflies

So the compendium is done.
This my author page in case you are interested.
But then this is what is really interesting, the compendium in two parts (the kindle version is one document):

As you can see these are pretty thick tomes, but I suspect I can get them down to one thick book without much effort because there is a lot of rendundancy and the second volume is not edited to any significant extent.
That doesn't mean the second is not important, of course, it just means that the most up to date information is complete in the first volume and at least largely if not completely edited.

I found a station I am particularly fond of on Iheart radio. "Fireflies Radio" which is, so far, the best matched radio station I have ever found for my work on any station (and free to all, I am happy to say).

In case you care, which you should not, I was looking for this when I accidently liked it as a station:

AuT provides the most significant model for explaining the universe in terms of a running mathematical model. It may not be precise since it is a work in progress but it is almost certainly the most advanced theory of underlying thermodynamce and quantum mechanics in existence.  That it was produced by an idiot, is actually a great deal of support for the theory because it means that we don't have to be geniuses only conduits for an underlying genius, or at least what a pre-aut person might call genius.  Does that mean we are a simulation?
The answer is probably not, although the net result is very similar.
The obvious reasons associated with needing equipment or a god to run the simulation are worth considering, but neither of those is particularly satisfying intellectually.
As AuT has pointed out, more or less repeatedly, there is a time and dimension free environment capable of two or three very simple functions.  1) Counting, 2) maintaining the algorithm set out in AuT, 3) remembering the enormous number of results and 4) changing the results in response to the count.
That is the sub-universe in a nut shell.  Not very godlike in concept; but to remember and change the results in a time environment would take enormous energy and equipment.  However, the non-dimensional, time free environment might render such an undertaking much less signficant.
This non-space environment is the framework upon which our universe, and presumably other universes can be build and run. One has to imagine the idea that x does not increase to infinity and that at any moment our universe might stop.  However, given our limited role and purpose in such an undertaking (a tinypart of the math solutions over an equally small period of time); perhaps our fears should be of insignificance since the god of AuT could care less about you or me unless it somehow watches to see how its algorithm plays out through us.

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