
Saturday, August 11, 2018

AuT Patent*, presentation, Dimension building and a bizarrely out of place personal note

This is an old post so when I get to the personal stuff later it is only a historical reference.  Yesterday I did swim a short distance before a storm chased me from the pool, but before that i did a bike ride, something which left me, after global warming, with a bit of heat stroke that made it feel cold outside even though I suppose it was not.
Shortly after filing the patent i was sent an invitation inviting me to submit a business for a venture capital conference in the aerospace venue.  After ignoring the email for several weeks I realized i could change the tedx application just a little and viola.  I think the sponsor, who i know, was a little surprised.  See, if you know me outside of my physics, you would think I was an idiot, not the kind that gets elected president, but the kind that drools in alleyways.  I do drool a little in alleyways, on trails in the forests and deserts; but there is an undercurrent of something unhinged, rather than brilliant.  But I digress.

The idea of monetizing AuT is and is not a stretch.  I pointed out:

While the practical exploitation of this science is complex to discuss, it would be an interesting presentation; think of it as an Einstein or Tesla making a pitch for  seed money.

So, all that being said, the one thing I have not done is set up a separate website for this, although my youtube page has all the videos together; I will give some thought to that; maybe facebook?


There are some really staggering possibilities, a jetson type car or faster than light travel, for example.  Unfortunately, the science suggests that is impractical; but the underlying science for such a result is disclosed ...

Anyway, the jury is out in this regard.  If you find my post on my early experience in the mock united nations you will see more on this.

The story of  AuT and the manipulation of ct2 transitions, the source of charge and gravity, is that in AuT the reason we went to the moon was because the ship we dropped off was exiting through unfolding in that direction.  The time free underlying symmetry of the universe was very patient while the monkeys that put it there evolved and then blasted off thinking they were the crown of creation.  This is a godlike force that doesn't care what we do because it makes us do our things; but every time we do something we are, in response to the pre-time requirements manipulating the pre-time requirements.  The AuT patent approaches the idea of flipping this, because we must exceed the speed of light, because we must float a car with dark energy we do.  Ipso facto the jetson car can be built if we are required to build it in order to fulfill the pre-dimensional requirements of the universe. World's fastest man-made spinning object could help study quantum mechanics.

The suggestion of the pi chart is that there are only 3 sides to the chart at ct3 as opposed to the 4 that we are used to dealing with.  Instead of having 2pir for a circle you would have 1.5 pi for a lesser circle.
This drawing that dates back perhaps all the way to 2013 (check the blog posts if you like) shows have a circle can be ultimately defined using quantum states of 1 and negative one, a vibrational -1^n giving rise to what will ultimately be 3 dimensional curvature.
The suggestion of AuT, however, is that there is a 3*1/2*pi that gives a two place, flat version of this drawing that when properly blown out forms a two dimensional space of the same type that is the province of waves and which, rather than going in a circle, lives in waves which are unformed circles doubling back not on themselves like this circle but on inflection points.  That is the ct3 state.
And of course there is the ct2 state which has but a single dimension and therefore lacks the ability to double back on itself but alternates instead from the ct1 point solution to one that is linear.
Such is the mathematical construction of dimension where the building blocks of non-dimensional space, photons, waves, matter and black holes all co-exist.

Historically when the last part of this was written:
I swam 2500 yards today, open pool stuff and at a pretty competitive pace along with 1000 of it being im.
Here are some interesting terms which have more to do with the ct3-ct4 interface dispersed over ct5 than the rest of this post, but who knows what you will see here?  At least it shows that I am paying attention, sort of.
happy, enabling growth, or building a secure future together
financial security, feelings of unworthiness fueled by their partner’s disparagement, the savior complex, and the delusional state caused by wanting to believe their partners’ endless apologies and promises to change
 meet a partner’s needs and to do the work—on ourselves as well as with our partners—to form a healthy, lasting, and elastic bond
some or many of our needs met, we are missing out on the immeasurable joy of a loving relationship
The problem arises when we choose an unsafe partner, a person with a desire or need to harm us for his or her own self-soothing, a person who puts his or her needs before our best interests, a person who relies on attachment to us to indulge in unhealthy behavior. Real love is mutually supportive, unselfish, and never, ever hurtful. 
someone can only love you as much as you love yourself, allegedly?

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