
Sunday, September 9, 2018

AuT and the pope and the speech*

The universe has no randomness and therefore can be predicted with absolute certainty for any quantum moment.
That is the part of this that relates to the speech and is the conclusion of the speech in terms of finding, not placement necessarily.
AuT holds that whatever greater purpose there is or is not to the mathematics behind the universe, we are part of a certain solution.
The act of faith, in each other or anything else is pre-programmed and has no true relevance.
While there are of a certainty god like qualities to underlying features of count and memory in the pre-dimensional (and therefore pre-time) g-space universe, the man-made gods and religions are tertiary effects, not even secondary effects like time and force.
Hence the pope is a man in a silly suit pretending to self importance and followed by people who are supporting the fiction more like an improv group with an absurd script than anything of importance.  Admittidly nothing in AuT that we do is of any real importance, but we can do improv with or without religion.
The hypocracy of the religious support of Trump shows it is all about the money.  Since he and his chief religious advisor obviously are just in this for the money, it is pretty clear they are not worried about hell and understand that the reward to the extent stealing from people does not impact on their conscience, which it clearly does not, is here on earth, living in the moment, albeit on fraudulently obtained funds.  This applies to the religious leaders more than the politicians, but they are all acting fraudulently.
The pope is a little different.  He has suffered his way to the top, he at least forces himself to be learned, although his learning is on how to confound logic, it is less than certain.
What does all this mean?
It is not my job to push athieism and I don't necessarily buy into the idea of anti-religion, just anti-faith.  I'd like to say anti-man-made religion, but my work is man made science so where do you draw the line?
The point is that govenrments and religious organization use religious dogman to control people, their money, their actions, votes in one case, practices in the other.
Perhaps the difference with AuT, and science in general, is that it seeks to inform.
Atheism as a type of anti-religion is more science like but in making a determination about the background and saying to act contrary to any god is a little worse than agnostisism.   True science is neither of these, merely laying out facts and drawing some conclusions.  AuT has a slightly skewed approach, it says faith is irrelevant as something preprogrammed, that manmade religions are tertiary effects based on observation of secondary and tertiary effects and therefore more like manmade governments than anything profound.  It is profundity that must be eliminated in government and religion (the sanctity of god or the value of some piece of paper that is 200 or 5000 years old)
Hence the required dogmas must have some other reason, just as laws must.
What to do with religions?
Well, first all religious leaders should be examined for fraud in the USA.  I say in the USA because, just as all governments should be to the extent they do not govern in the manner considered correct, the way of correctness needs to be determined and it is not a purely logical undertaking since logic is a secondary effect, like force.
In the USA, fraud is a thing and hence all religions have to face the Fraud test and if they are just to steal money, well things should happen accordingly.  If on the otherhand the leaders represent a misguided cult, where the leaders buy into the fiction of faith, society has to decide whether it wants to support fiction or do something else.  Supporting the fiction would be the equivalent of having Poe-ish example of the insane running the asylum or, put another way, business as usual.
We have half the world run by different religions.  The Muslim religion is particularly political.  All of these, however, share in common that they are a fiction with the ruling class, history repeating itself, buying into the fiction at various levels.
AuT does something that prior physics has not done.
It gets below the level of illusory randomness.  It gives a surprisingly simple explanation of everything other than the reason the universe counts and remembers.
That is a non-dimensional, time free universe, g-space.
G-space is god like in the sense that it controls the universe, it is not god like in the sense that the amount of control expercised is merely remembering results and adding quantum change indefinitely.  The idea of worshiping such a result is contraindicated since the act of sincere worship, faith, is wasted since faith is a tertiary effect, a requirement of math and not conscience.
The idea of perpetuating the religious myth for the sake of comfort and control is a bit on the absurd side.  As long as there was randomness and a theoretical uncertainty (i.e. true dimension and time) it made a bit of sense.
With AuT the pope needs to hang up his robes and do charity not because some god demands it, but because it outweighs the alternative logically.  The idea of government being run by religious dogma, controlling people with it, is so absurd that one has to ask oneself does absurdity have a place in a system of complete predestination, where the future is completely certain, which AuT provides.
Don't blame me, I just work here.
If I seem to be in a particularly bleak place, it is not just you, it is a matter of having my feet firmly placed.
If you want to see just the math of this very simple god, it can be found here, oddly enough.

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