
Sunday, September 2, 2018

The pyramid and the speech

Sunday started early, but very confused.  I think it was after 6:30 before I realized I had not made any ca offee.  There seems to be something wrong with my brain right now.
This is largely the result of spending too much time looking down at computer screens and the effect on my gradually diminishing vision (it cannot be helping) and the inner ear problem.  I will walk later and that will help.  I am wondering whether it will get a lot hotter or if this cloud cover will build.  I have not checked yet.

I have gone back to writing fiction although I expect fairly soon I will get back into the physics.  I am going to discuss one of the areas I want to investigatie briefly in this post.  It is a side piece, the idea that the internal stairway with the angles incorporated is a Fibonacci series from the bottom to the top.  This is not a difficult calculation to make but it is a bit unusual because it uses a 3 dimensional fibonacci curve in place of one in two dimensions which raises some interesting questions.

I wrote about the spiral history of the pyramid and it now appears likely that the reason for this is that the F-series sprial was used for the internal ramps of the pyramid.
The basic idea is that the internal ramp, now hidden, in the great pyramid may already be a perfect fibonnaci spiral of this type:
I, however, do not believe that is the case.  I think the difference is handled by the angle give to the ramps to give them their lifting capabilities, around a 7 or 8% grade which would shring the ramp in two dimensions with the third dimension, the grade, making up the slack and that this would explain the height to two sides golden ratio.

It may be some time befor I run the numbers even though it is not complicated so if anyone wants to chime in or point out where its already been explored (successfully or not) I would be interested.

Forbes: What Was It Like When The Universe First Made Atoms?.

I have not read the article above.  I think it takes a big bang analysis and AuT suggests there is not big bang as such because compression is never complete.  There is an excape mechanism which appears in the books which allows for a breakdown at the ct1-ct2 level allowing all the points to go into a non-dimensional place which is worth more explaination and possibly even a mention in the speech, although I am taking a short breather while I prepare to push the one book into the market and edit the other one from the hard copy.

I have two fiction books, however, that can probably be completed in a couple of weeks (each) and I need to do that both for myself and obligations to others.  One is the third in the series of romance which needs less work, but I want to replace the rediculously rough "science of nostradamus" with the cleaned up version even if it is not 100% finished.  The current version is more of a conglomeration of thoughts than a book.  The second will better although it remains a stitched together group of stories.  It is nice to be writing something fun again, even though sometimes it is not fun.

I think that I can spend a little time on the question of the f-series and the pyramids.
It is well known that hundreds of years before pythagorous and fibonacci, even thousands, the egyptians had, largely through trial and error, figured out both the F-series and the pythagorian theorem.
While my understanding of the time frames are skewed, there were cities 12,000 years earlier and if the sumarians were not after the egyptians, they were largely parallel or even before them in their study of right angles although to my knowledge there is no evidence they spent as much time looking at it as the egyptians did.  The idea that they had stone cutting technology, whether heat driven (focused sunlight) or some other technique, which might be in advance of what we have today is disturbing because there is an inadequate record of it.  They had thousands of years to develop it, however, and the importances of stone cutting to stone age people cannot be doubted so it may be more obvious than we give credit or perhaps it was aliens.  I don't see the alien angle, but who knows.  Over 1000 years before the modern "ad" era civilization collapsed and it certainly collapsed several times before that and much was lost.  One can wonder how valuable stone working papers would be even today with our ability to make sedementary rock and our modern stone cutting equipment.

The idea that the f-series was incorporated into the great pyramid, many decades after the first pyramid type strucutres were built is evidence of a gradual progression.  This is actually documented in papyrus records.  It is uncertain how much science was lost during the climate change driven collapse of the nile empires and how much was merely left to be rediscovered and brought west by the greeks and italian explorers.  I think it much more likely, and certain in the case of fibonacci, it was the ability to recognize largely abandoned science from Egyptian technologies that were responsible, albeit driven by local resident genius, for the later advances west because of the reasons and need for arched structures, right angle archetecture and base 10 numbering improvements.

I have to edit the summary of AUTC (algorithm universe theory compendium).
The summary is now available on Amazon which will be the longer version of the speaking presentation.  When I get it and edit it for the speech it will get both longer, shorter and more accurate in places I am sure.

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