
Friday, November 26, 2021

dod 55 dog on a cliff

Dod or doc?  Speaking of dead, the laptop keyboard appears to be fried.  It's a relatively easy fix, maybe under warranty, but it will have to be dealt with eventually not now when i can work around it and i have a draft to get out in the next few days.

The coyotes were unusually close and active last night.  The sorghum which had washed up to the house and all along the hill was torn up by cows who came up to the house to tear at the corn-like stalks which are no more a part of my morning when I step out.
Alone again, something of a shock after the noise and crowding. First order of business when it warms up is to refill the water tank, it's 6:00 AM and I've already done a lot of cleaning, but there will be more of that today.  I'd love to take a bath at some point in time, I have to wash sheets and towels and begin to set up for being alone, dealing with trash making leftovers into soup, freezing stuff, a trip to the dump, thinking about companionship, and getting more focused on work and the deadlines this week.  It is 11/28/21.
I never stop spending time alone, this picture was me and the dog taking a walk where he trapped himself, but only to the extent he had to back off.  There's no metaphor there.
It is sort of funny seeing all the things here that have to be done this morning in the wake of the weird whirlwind of the holiday.
I was worried it would be too quiet and it may be that way, but my coffee is nice this morning, the music on the coffee shop radio is upbeat, it is clear enough to hang the sheets on the line when the washer is finished with them, there are miles to go before I sleep with important worrk and the pool opens again tomorrow.
I know you have to deal with Omnicom and your new thing whatever that is; but i took the dog out for a cold, short walk and it is time for me to do my thing whether you hover in the back of my mind or not.

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