
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Amazon Author Page, the Audio Book, the youtube posts

I swam 2500 yards on each of the last two days.
Today I need to do something else, although my level of interest is pretty low.
I don't understand the changing weather patterns, they are as unpredictable as you are.

Book 3:

One of the things I realized, inherent in this book, is that we see the constant interaction of space and photonic states (ct1 to ct2) in acceleration and deceleration.  While this is said over and over again, for some reason it was not

A description of book 3:
Just as Energy and Matter are the same thing, Space and Energy are the same thing.  We are made out of space.
Algorithm Universe Theory (AUT) explains how space and energy interact and why we experience that interaction constantly. We see the constant interaction of space and photons as acceleration and deceleration.
Movement is ct1 space decompressing from higher ct states, in particular ct2 photons which in turn decompress from ct3 wave energy.
This is a very specific, math based model.  It relies heavily on mathematics developed 800 years ago and is an extension of the logic work of Parmenides and Zeno dating back 2500 years. Applying these principles to modern observations it explains what the big bang was, what occurred before the big bang, how space time arises as individual dimensional states, what black holes are, what space is, and many other things with some mathematical precision. This book contains those detailed explanations.
AuT explains specifically what time is and how history exists in a quantum universe environment. Algorithm Universe is the definition of super-symmetry, the symmetry of the universe below thermodynamics.
Aut is a description of entropy and force more fundamentally than the Standard Model.
This book is rewritten as the companion paper to the YouTube videos which can be found by typing ALGORITHM UNIVERSE THEORY into your youtube browser.
This book is complete, but it is the third book in an 8 book series.  Book 1 broadly covers the definitions of the theory  and the fundamentals are presented in Book 2.  Questions of nomenclature are further explained in those volumes.  This book has been heavily edited including taking parts from other books to be the supporting document for the videos.
Please see the author's Amazon page at: and my author's Facebook page for more links and articles at or @frzmn1 from facebook

I am preparing an audio book (2 hours and change).
It is ready other than the cover artwork which may or may not exceed my technical abilities despite designing many a cover and having covers.  The 45 minute long process of uploading the files onto ACX were something of a trial and its not really set up right.
I have, so far, made every possible mistake, but not to worry, it is a first attempt.
The idea, if I ever finish the cover, is to give something that can be listened to while walking about.

the videos are a better way to view the same information, what is added to the audio book is essentially not worth bother with.

The very long list video

The much shorter compression video:

The overview video which covers the theory in overview
That's my amazon author page.
Why pbs says information is destroyed.  AuT provides a better model, but that is audio I have not gotten to yet.

I needed to convert my files, this was the least invasive option, including extracting audio from video, sweet.
Audio converter-
There were other options that tried to trick you into buying whatever they were offering, this one seemed to be intent.

Right now I"m at 46 separate Audio clips but since I have to deal with this cover issue, I'm going to at least look at the audio (using my editor) that I did on my videos and I may add those.
It was an unfriendly process.
Here is one of those converted audio clips: You can see the translation is imperfect, but its nice to hear the birds in the background:

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