
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The compression script and A new recording for the first slide of the AuT overview

Well, the jury is in, I'm going to have to re-record my first slide of my first video and then repost it.
I cannot explain why it works so poorly, the first slide doesn't seem to be playing,but this will not be complicated or time consuming and my enhanced experience with recording software should make it a better recording.

I'm going to include the "script" for the first slide and a little bonus piece on galactic size that I am working on in terms of scale.

This is the detail for the: "compression slideshow" which you can view without this sound on you-tube (search for Algorithm Universe Theory):

The aspects of the symmetric universe are few enough that that they bear incorporation into the initial video, and I may add this to the erata section of put in an extra slide.
The universe uses place and then adds dimension by compression to get to the next place.
In this way the universe is built on ratios
The first ratio is -1:1
The second ratio is the expression of fpix the -1:1 ratio in terms of pi (-1/fpix:1/fpix) [fpix being the denominator of pi represented by
The third eliminates -1 and 1 but maintains fpix or [(-1^x+2x(-1)^x-1)] which staggers the information.
It should be interjected here that remembering the solutions and maintaining the order of the solutions and recreating for each increase in x a new fpix solution are essential in creating the amount of information necessary to allow the subsequent compression.
The fourth is 2f(x)^2^x which may be seen as separate parts:
    a) Place=changes at once under the f-series, dimension-1 place built from the ratio of 1:2f(x)^2^x so that the ratio of the next lower place to the next higher place is defined by this solution set:
         i) F(x)=two prior solutions for x added together to get the current solution
         ii) a building compression beginning with 2f(x) and the exponentially increasing it 2^x times
There is a fifth which is held by a "place marker" an unlikely but possible candidate for how much of a lower state of non-matched (uncompressed) information in the form of "each" next lower state can be held between compression solutions of the next higher states.  The marker used is 2^n times the number of aligned states or 2^n*2f(x)^2^x' where x' is the amount of compression at the point that the intervening states are solved.
           The electron:proton example is where this comes from and its worth setting out why that number is used understanding that it is just a consistent marker and not one where the logic has been absolutely determined.
          The idea is that the electron is 2f(4) summed or compressed over 7 information arms; the proton is 2f(4) compressed over 9 information arms.  Together these form the 16 information arms that yield the 1:mc^2 or 1:10^16 or 1:2f(4)^2^4 energy to mass ratio.
The ratio is not complete until the electron/proton pair is compressed into a neutron and a rough examination shows that the electron is overweight by around 2+2^4 information or 18 times what it should "weigh" in terms of information. Gravity, dark energy and velocity all require that ct1 states are trapped within the folds of the higher information states, at least at the ct3:ct4 level since the release of these states gives rise to dark energy and velocity, if they are released at the ct2 level (ct2 breaking down to ct1) it yields dark energy (anti gravity) and if it leaks from any other level it creates velocity, the maximum rate of leakage from the ct2-3 level being 1:256 which is the rate of change associated with the speed of light and essentially shows a photon being "dragged" through space as the line of space straightens after being compressed.
Getting back to the electron/proton pair with 2+2^4 excess weight, we can view this weight as the amount of information that can be trapped in a neutron (2^n times the amount of information represented by the 2f(n)^2^n compression) and an extra quantity, here 2 times the amount of information represented by the 2f(n)^2^n compression "for the electron" portion, which is in an unmatched (positive to negative) solution alignment (+/-/+/- ) between the two halves (the 7 arm half and the 9 arm half) which prevents a complete collapse.

Perspective is important, because we see the change from the 18 times information to the 16 times information as an effect of force, while the truth is that this "force" is actually a reflection of the solution order changing to eliminate the 2 times the excess mass between the electron and proton halves.  Super symmetry looks at the actual basis for a result, physics (pre-AuT physics anyway) looks at the resulting structure.
The theoretical construct can be tested by looking at the neutron star-black hole transition which should reflect at least loosely the transition between the unbalanced halves of the 16^32 transition.  In this case balanced information arms would be 16:16 so the corresponding imbalance (the electron/proton equivalent) should be 9 arms for the neutron star and 7 arms for the surrounding mass before the complete collapse plus a maximum of 2^n (n here being 5) that can be "trapped" in the form of ct4 and lower states within the black hole.  Theoretically, we can look at the information surrounding a black hole immediately before it compresses and set that the excess information is dropping down to 2^n*(information in the 7 arm portion (16^7) of the black hole pair).  Now you are thinking, "there is no electron/proton pair" just a neutron star; but AuT examination shows the neutron star is not "fat enough" to finish collapsing (otherwise it would be black hole) so we should be able to find examples of neutron stars with "material" around them of the approximate weight of 16^7 (plus) in the aggregate-these could be planets, lesser stars, etc (e.g.a neutron/star pair with the associated orbiting planets, asteroids, etc).

This is a pretty lot to digest conceptually, but lays out the basic solution order:structure parameters (with some pretty uncertain assumptions) that give rise to the features we observe. 

Here is the working transcript about galaxy size and lifespans which will be the lead in to the netron star thing if I can find what I'm looking for:

2.5 million light years-Andromeda galaxy, 1 trillion stars vrs our 600billion adn 40 billion in the next larger galaxy in our group.
220,000 light years wide
Two arms in spiral galaxies because they are pulled in two direction by the net unraveling of the knotted ball of space that is our universe.carried
History from this galaxy was communicated via a time independent light
The view of galaxies is important because it may be explained better by understanding what it represents on a gross and fine scale.

And finally, here is the "script" for the slideshow first video that I'm going to re-record and reload.  You can find this on my soundcloud recordings as approximately this same script

AuT is a fundamental theory of quantum mechanics in O-space
It deals with quantum istants for the entire universe
It allows for a universe changing based on quantum changes in a single variable
In this way defines quantum change for all states within the universe

It appears counter intuitive at first
but it is so  predictive that it overcomes any problems with intuition
and provides a detailed explanation
of an underlying symmetry to the universe

Supersymmetry means that thermodynamics does not exist at this level
Space, dimension and force derive from very specific mathematically defined functions at this level
As fpix (pi's denominator) successive states, 2^n compression and Fibonacci stacking where n is a function of place and dimensions, equal to place and one more than the dimensions
There is neither entropy, nor gravity nor time
Indeed Aut proves conclusively that time is an effect and not a 4th dimension
Dimensions are mathematically differentiated in terms of place

My name is Greg Friedlander and I am the author of Algorithm Universe Theory

That last part might sound a little pompous for a creature of predestination, but AuT, if it does anything, forgives all transgression; legal or moral; since we make them not by choice but by mathematical result.

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