
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I am unchanging, you are the flight one, not wrong, just flighty

Old habits die hard.  Harder for me than for you, I suppose
The AuT charge came up and I realized I was looking for charge issues.
Charge is a ct arm loading issue, not a force issue.
We get lost occasionally in the things we think we know
Or maybe its the things we knew that weren't true
I don't know what to say about that
No, I know what to say about that but I cannot say it
The charge issue, that's the problem.
When you look at a proton or an electron you say
That dude has a charge, an attraction
Then you look at a positron or anti proton and you say
That dude has an opposite charge
But charge is something that changes over time
Aut doesn't have things that change over time
AuT is more like me, less like you
Yes, you need to change, I get that
Or you think you need to change and you're smarter than I am
But AuT doesn't change it is fixed quantum moments
Unchanging, predestined by mathematics
calculable in theory at least from one moment to the next
as predictable as any force driven system, moreso
just like i am predictable, I am my science I suppose
So when we try to look at an electron and positron
or an electron proton pair and we say "charge"
we are not looking for the right thing
we need to look at them and say
This change in ct information arm loading
over several values of x
leaves a net result which we interpret as charge
so the next few posts will take the much edited sections
on matter and antimatter
and attempt to apply this logic to them
and we will see what we come up wtih

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