
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Getting back to why information doesn't destruct-two different views one result

It would be nice if I could tell you what I am really experiencing, what I am thinking, even what I am doing.  I could, I suppose, you are smart enough to handle it.  But if you ignored it, am I smart enough to handle that?  I think not.  My dreams of the future are too important to me, the last thing i hold onto.  And I am moving inexorably towards those.  Well perhaps exorably, but moving.
Sometimes the need to tell you where I am going is so great that I want to scream in frustration, but there is nothing to do. There is or there is not in a quantum state universe, there middle ground is just an inaccurate averaging and I, more than anyone else, know that.
All I can do to live with this is to exhaust myself and I did the stair machine and weights in an environment filled with a type of impossible promise yesterday to do just that and with the weather improving, today I will stretch out those torn muscles with a swim which need only be as long as i want it.

But on to Physics.

I mentioned I would get back to this article.
The non-destruction of information is the subject of this video, but it also points out differences with AuT and in that way it points out why the super-symmetry of AuT is important to the more traditional math models:.

The best way to experience this is by listening to this video and understanding the pre-AuT logic which is persuasive, but then to apply Algorithm Universe Theory concepts to drive the video off the tracks.

At the end, during the q&a you really see the difference in AuT and this because the whole ideo of  conservation of energy is a Quantum Mechanical Red Herring; because energy is an effect of the underlying information which always changes.

There is a misunderstanding, of course, of what dark energy is and why the universe is getting larger (it isn't except fractionally) it is merely the expression of the information that is changing, the compression, although there is more.

More importantly, it shows the misconception of what energy is.  Energy in a quantum state is nothing but a collection of solutions.  Between quantum states it is nothing more than the relative arrangement of information from one compressed state to the next.

This q&a shows what happens when you look at energy as a thing that powers and not an effect.
The idea of comparing "the energy of photons" to the "energy of dark energy" is like comparing dogs and cats to fish.  They are all 3 made up of the same fundamental thing, but neither the dog nor the cat is a fish and what makes them different is how they are put together.

And that is just looking at the Q&A.  Lets look deeper into this video which shows why AuT is so different from pre-AuT physics:
It should be noted that for almost every 10 seconds of  this video a major difference is shown and the value (lets call it the possible value just to be modest) of the symmetry model is illuminated.
We start with the basic idea from the article and then explain how AuT shows the mistaken view of the prior models.  The idea is that the story is not "wrong" but provides an inaccurate interpretation when viewed from the viewpoint of super symmetry provided in AuT.

1) The basic idea of the "destruction of information" being impossible is a mistake, even though information is not destroyed.
AuT shows that the true information is "constructed" from a counter and constantly increases.  While it is correct technically that none is destroyed, the whole point of AuT is that information as we understand is created from a non-dimensional, time free environment where "information" is the ability to count and remember results which is a rudimentary type of consciousness.  This is an important concept and fundamental to understand from whence our universe arises.
2) This article seeks to take us all the way "Back to big bang."
Aut shows there is no big bang in the traditional sense, only a big inflection point, one of very, very many.
3) Defining Force incorrectly-How systems evolve in time:
This definition is Incorrect-Systems change according to the underlying counter of the universe, but time is an effect only at a limited range and is not relevant to changes below the ct3 level, so you end up with unexplained wave particle duality when you try to apply time and the time equation seems to fade when applied at the speeds faster than light, i.e. speeds and distances which are free of time and those even more free at dimension.  The underlying super symmetry where force is irrelevant is hidden by the "force approach" to the universe.
4) The equations used as examples are flawed:
The equations force non dimensional results into 3 dimensional aspects (e.g. pi as a complete and not partial definition of curvature) and hence the one and two dimensional aspects are ignored.
5) Too much reliance on time:
Symmetry of time is irrelevant to the true universe, but exists in both direction in the sense that given all of the information in the universe, the next and prior quantum state could be calculated in theory just as the initial changes in x in the universe can be ascertained with certainty since there is very little information.
Since there is no time in AuT, the same rules that can predict the future can also predict the past.
6) Randomness:
Randomness which is also illusory.  The whole concept of probability ignores the certainty of super-symmetry.
7) Black holes:
Pre-AuT math shows a misunderstanding what black holes are and how they function.  The failure to recognize co-existence of dimensions and that time comes from ct3-ct4 transitions and molecules exist in a ct4-ct5 transition leading up to black holes assigns a magic to black holes which is misleading.
8) The idea of holding that Quantities are conserved based on motion is a wrong formula concept:
Motion is an effect of examining quantum solutions over values of x.  It is as much an illusion as time and derived in the same way.
9)Time reversal symmetry is accurate, although derived differently.  It does exist if the calculations were possible, they are too complicated to perform, but regionally they exist as approximations which is why we see history.
10) It is incorrect to say that all information of the past exists.
This was the original concept in the Einstein Hologram Universe, the work which began this study and which ended with AuT.  It was Einstein's mistake.  In one sense, there is a type of accuracy, because long before time came into being, the ability to keep the count which determines information and the states of information did exist.  This is a type of "everything happens at once without time," although it is a very different, AuT unique, approach.
From the Einstein point of view, however, and contrary to what Einstein and this article promote, the amount of dimensional information increases constantly and what we can do is calculate backwards from a point to see where it starts and where it is going.
11) The idea, largely rejected in the article, that a predictable future doesn't require a determinable past is wrong under aut because the ability to run calculations backwards is preserved perfectly under super symmetry because there are no random elements, you have to subtract out dimensional elements but that is as easy as adding them to get to the future.   QM requires conservation of probability which does this, but AuT doesn't require probability because it has certainty to take the place of chance and it can do this because it eliminates the demons of infinite series by have a fixed amount of information in the system at any point in time and shows the misleading dimension, force and time as the effects they are.
12) The wave function of a system is only valid in certain curves since waves don't exist.
It does give the right approximate result using the Schrodinger equation.
13) The foundation is Unitarity: probability of some type for particle where there are no two particles that can come to the same solution.  This is entirely accurate.  But it is a mistake of logic, if not of result.
The fact that a particle somewhere can change in aut and in non-aut physics (it can break down farther into space in AuT) requires a more fundamental rule than unitarity.
The unitary concept comes to the correct conclusion, that quantum states must remain independent but the reason is wrong. Quantum states remain unique because they are sequential and never identical fpix solutions in our universe and -1^n before that.  They do change and they do have common features, but they can never be exactly the same, no two can have the same count, same fpix charge can be the same, but the count to get there and to leave there will be different for each point which is what gives rise to the illusory Unitarity that the article discusses.
It is wrong when the articles says that the only thing that preserves unitarity is preservation of information, because the amount of information changes, what is missed in this is that there is a pre-dimensional state that preserves uniqueness and not one that preserves information in dimensional space.
14) Looking both ways in time is conceptually mistaken.
The reason you can trace backwards and forward indefinitely in time (which has a more definite end in AuT because it ends at ct3) is because you are only looking at information in the range of ct3-4-5 and the earlier states are misinterpreted as force.  While the standard model does try to make the ct states into particles (quarks) this is different from treating them as what they are, "prior (in x not time) solutions".
15) Uncertainty principle is a problem here because the full information content is different from what they are looking at.
 Active measurement doesn't change things, it merely confuses non-time based features by distorting them with time.
16) Time reversibility and Hawkins radiation are two concepts which are math models which fail in AuT analysis and hence are interesting, but are just theoretical models that do not fit with a more rational AuT analysis where math solutions drive symmetry.

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