
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What really matters and Quantum length

It is interesting to see what matters and what does not to my readers.
The last post is probably most astounding so far,although it may not seem that way.  For it ties together so many pieces of AuT tht explanations are all over the place, but we have an explanation to give which may help explain matter and antimatter today.
I am tired from not sleeping.  I have not slept in 2 days except an hour or two at a time.
And  yet, despite the exhaustion I continue to turn out things like the last post which somehow are not seen for what they are or what they will be.
But many things about us are not seen for they are or what the will be.
In the solar system 95 objects spinning in the wrong direction have been identified, whether that includes Venus or not I do not know.
What does this have to do with Anti-matter.
The idea is that the common method of winding and unwinding the universe means that we see elements of the lower states in higher states.  Perhaps the most dramatic is the repetition of the Fibonacci curve in galaxies and organism on earth.  This is not so unexpected since all of these elements embody f-series compression.
The idea of history building on itself utilizing a Fibonacci pattern is very attractive and may well come out of the study of time as the wavelengths captured within the ct3-ct4 framework which is one element of that prior post which is so intriguing.  Indeed the breakdown of such an f-series pattern as an integral part of the diminution of time with the breakdown of  dimension is very strong given the effect of spiral galaxies from the breakdown of compression of the internal black hole states within those galaxies (theorized).
But we are talking about errant planets and rocks and antimatter.  The idea is that the same aberrations in these large state breakdowns can give rise to both temporary regional anti-spiraling (remembering that all these are unwinding around the galactic center at a high rate of speed relative to the solar rotations so while some skeptics are thinking this is contrary to the unwinding concept in AuT, the truth is that even those rocks spinning the wrong way around the sun have a net unwinding consistent with the galactic rotation of over 700,000 mi/hr.  The point is that regionally, aberrational movement along compression lines is predictable given the massive amount of entanglement which is untangling and this applies to those features giving rise to charge on the transitional ct4 states of electrons and protons.

Here is one of the latest audio clips from the rapidly maturing "list" video which will go quite a ways to justifying AuT by answering otherwise mysterious elements of the universe.
The recent advances led me to publish an updated book 3.
Once the list video is complete, perhaps this week since I'm getting better at recording and editing, there will only be the much shorter compression video to finish.  Then I have to put together all of the audio and I will publish my first Audio book.  Break out the champagne.  It is not all the best quality audio, much of that improved with practice and I am fairly certain, but not absolutely sure that I can break out the video from the audio for those random video clips that were made.
Perhaps the one area where it is the most confusing is the section of the derivation of charge, because while there are conclusions that have been reached relative to that, the complexity of the overall arrangement leaves a little to be desired and the exploration in those audio clips of the various methodologies is confusing.

One has to remember that this theory was started in 2012 from the standpoint of initial blog posts, but was well into 2013 before the first real steps were taken towards refinement with the publication of the Einstein Hologram Universe.  Much of what that contained was erroneous.  CT states were conceptualized, space was seen as the same stuff as the other elements of the universe, but the interactions of these parts, the compression scales, the derivations of time and force were far into the future,to the extent that 5 years can be seen as far into the future and there was a lot of work and study in the interim.

Nevertheless, it has now arrived at the point where the momentum of the theory should carry it somewhat through the absurdly weighty stream of prejudice with is the irrational attachment to the standard model.

But it remains all out there, it is very likely that between the informational states of ct4 and ct5,a more precise reconciling of the speed of light as observed from (10^39-10^44 scale) Planck length will match the very similar results for ct1 movement through the atomic and molecular structures:
At ct3-ct4 there are up to 4.3x10^24 ct1 states moving through; and 
at the ct4-ct5 molecular state up to, but probably considerably less than 1.46x10^63 ct1 states involved
The fact that the average (87/2=43.5) matches so well with the Planck scale analysis is suggestive of an underlying accuracy to the model.
This should surprise no one but the skeptics, but they may cling by their fingernails to their superstitions as long as they like, they are no more desperate than I.

      Quantum changes are all tied to changes in x
      X is the ultimate quantum
      The change in ct2 relative to ct1 is the source of all dimensional quantum changes in either distance or time although time is an effect and not a dimension
      Dimensions are tied to the compression state and therefore 0,1,2 and 4 dimensional states exist alongside the 3 dimensional state where we perceive change.

1)     Quantum length is an illusion derived from quantum moments. There is one counter, x, that is applied to make up of quantum solutions which vary in charge and length of consistency.

2)     The sum of all quantum solutions for any value of x defines a quantum moment for the entire universe which is largely, but not entirely based on the information of the prior quantum moments.  At the point where we find ourselves in the universe, the change in quantum moments is very slow relative to the very fast changes at the edge of the universe and the very slow changes at the center where the edge and newest is defined by the shortest quantum moments between changes and where the center and oldest is defined by the longest quantum moments between changes.

All the unknown becomes clear when viewed from the place of super-symmetry and this has been covered in posts in history, those particularly covering the shifting of the earth's magnetic field and the drift is what it is.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Drifting Westward, and Nobody Knows Why

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