
Friday, May 4, 2018

The shape of things-the non mystery of the unbalanced universe

There was a cnn article questioning why the universe is unbalanced.
AuT provides for a universe which is naturally out of balance based not only on the constant change in information but in the complex way that simple changes in the base fpix algorithm leads to the level of complexity that we observe locally and to expect anything less galactically is illogical.

The problems with these articles are the same as problems with other physics, they are looking at everything the wrong way.

So before i saw that article I had written this on shape and I think it makes a good lead in to a longer article on the subject:

1. Space is leaking out of the middle of the solution dragging with it anything nearby to its linear, unwound state, flatening out the universe generally and ensuring movement which is circular as it unwinds  and locally this can vary but all should eventually tend towards a straight line until the next inflection point.
2. Stable areas within teh expansion and flatenting ouot retain their dimensional characteristics and can increase their roundness spins can go in either direction reflecting net local results but still generally within the same plane.  the fourth (black hole) and possibly higher dimensions ensures an underlying super roundness that keeps things from flatening too much.
3. The average of all galactic tilts should be on the plane more or less of the galaxy by way example.
4. The sun represents a state of compression net in a system generally bleeding dimesnion via a ct5-4-3-2-1 break down and tehrefore looking disordered, entropy, while the underlying order remains the same.

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