
Tuesday, May 8, 2018


This, without the drawings, shows how complicated the model of the underlying universe, the pre dimensional portion of the universe, gets even before you add compression.
While it would make a great deal of sense to include the drawings, It is hard to tell which ones provide clarity and which ones are misleading.  I included the easiest to include here, one from a spreadsheet, so that the conceptual basis for all of the drawings could be set out in some form.  
It is time....

          To address the whole idea of matter and anti-matter, we have to make certain assumptions about how things work in the pre-dimensional universe.
          Space is not a problem because there is no space.  Solution order may be shared by different points.  Charge shifts.
          We don't see antimatter, but eventually the universe will begin to contract.  Will we see it then?
          It appears that contraction and decompression both relate to ct1 release or binding to higher ct states, initially ct2 information arm compression.
          But ct1 has another feature, charge, which is left without a purpose unless the net charge of the universe gives it a purpose.
          Let’s start by looking at the exemplary models of ct2, comprised of ct1 states.   This model assumes that charge is an underlying feature.  This makes logical sense.

A closer look at ct1 (space):
This first drawing shows what ct1 might look like if all we looked at was the total number of charges:

This next shows how positive and negative charge are added to get to the first drawing, with a neutral charge being a result. One can easily see that if the charges are reversed, an anti-particle is possible.

2x(-/+) -1^x=ct0
cancel +/- -/+ --------->
+/- add +/1
add +/1
x=2 x=3 x=4
cancel -/+ +/- +/- -/+ -/+
-/+ ---------> +/- -/+
-/+ add +/1 +/- -/+
-/+ add +/1 +/- ---------> -/+
+/- add +/- -/+
+/- add +/- -/+
x=5 -/+
+/- -/+
---------> +/-
add +/- +/- --------->
add +/- +/- add +/-
+/- add +/-

          The next drawing shows the use of ct1 as a building block, the way that we see things in our view of the universe.  In this case you have an extra -/, then an extra -/+ and then no extra, and this pattern repeats itself.
          One can easily imagine an anti-particle based on this construction where the only difference lies in the beginning triangle, yielding an extra +, then +/-.  This doesn’t fit well into the equations using -1^n but does fit well into the graphic view of the result.
          The points marked a and d show how a single point shifting between states can control the lifespan of that state and then to the next one so that the generation of ct1 states constantly feed state a and shift to state d once it has made the circuit of a ct1 state.
          If the pulse is 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5 a question is raised whether the 3 and second 1(d) are at the same time which would affect the tempo of the universe, tying all the states together.

          And the next drawing shows how a photon can end up with a negative charge based on the prior drawings building blocks, noting that the total charge of the photon is 128 negative quantum charge units.
          The obvious question raised would be how to compress a ct2 state to ct3 without an anti-photon built with anti-space,
          Another question raised has to do with charge.  This shows a negative charge, negative electromagnetism as it is put onto ct3 information arms, where is the positive charge?
          Moreover, the solutions for each are thought to change back and forth over time.  One sees crowding in these solutions but ct1 is solved in a dimension free environment.  All of these things change the way this might be interpreted.
          Note that if the ct1 building model is used there are 128 trapped free states for 256 compressed states.  Could these make up the ct1 that is compressed to eliminate space during compression in some manner?

          These drawings show how complicated a model might be for these otherwise alternating positive and negative results. 
          Multiple potential states are possible:
1)   Charged results
2)   Free Charged results
3)   Combined results with a net zero charge
4)   Combined results with a net charge
5)   Combined results destabilized by changing charge
6)   Free negative ct0 states
7)   Free positive ct0 states
8)   Compressed results containing the features set out above
9)   States trapped within compressed features
10)        Shared features (a/d) within different ct states.
          This list is not set out as complete, only to show how complicated the model becomes even though we are looking at the simplest state in terms of construction in the entire universe.
          The value of the trapped states can be net positive or net negative, although this shows a largely balanced amount of charge in most cases.
          This allows that the state of the trapped ct1 is still controlled by some net, could it be the net within the trap and for the universe and regionally
          Do one of these states control the matter vs antimatter question or in there another option?
The paired portions of the universe create a stability
          The amount of matter to antimatter may decrease and increase, perhaps shifting the entire universe to an anti-time universe at some point during a decompression cycle.  It appears likely that the underlying universe may compress or decompress as a net anti-matter or net matter universe as net ct1 positive or negative and net compression or decompression remain separate.  Likewise, the two may be tied together so that only if the universe could fully compress or decompress; an unlikely scenario, could the matter/antimatter balance shift.
          Even the relative lifespans of each ct1 state relative to another are subject to shared points and therefore variation.  While these lifespans are all “up to” two beats shorter than the next higher state, there is, at either extreme one that lasts for perhaps 1 beat and one that lasts for perhaps 10^100 beats.
          Net positive and negative features suggest that adjacent, dimension independent ct1 states cancel each other out, so that only the net values of ct1 control the charge of the universe at any point in time.  This raises idea of “dual universes.”
          A universe may have varying degrees of net charge yielding a larger or smaller amount of compression of either matter or antimatter universes in a time and dimension free base environment and the universe as either matter or antimatter can have varying degrees of compression or decompression related to the dimensional state of the universe.

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